Rocklatan (latanoprost; netarsudil dimesylate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Rocklatan (latanoprost; netarsudil dimesylate)

This is in no way intended to denigrate this brand, "Rocklatan," but to let people know my specific experience. I took this drug intended to reduce my eye pressure from present of 14 left and 19 right eyes respectively to acceptable level on 05/17/2023. The next morning I felt severe pain in my eyes the next day, On the third day, both my eyes swelled and can barely open them. So. my wife gave me some ice cubes she put in a cloth to apply in both eyes. I felt better minutes later. It is now the forth day, as I am writing this feedback and they are still swollen but not so much compared yesterday. If I may guess, I must have suffered from allergic reaction from the ingredient other than "Latanafrost". I can in no way tolerate it as it has a horrible effect to me, although the manufacturer may have good intention to treat, though.

I advised my doctor about red eyes she said it was normal. Not after ,sic weeks

To reduce ocular (eye) pressure

Application causes stinging, not quite as strong as getting soap in your eye. After a few weeks my eyes are bloodshot red all day long.Also, there is occasional itchy feelings.

It worked after one month to bring my pressure down to a normal range (17-18) where just pure Latanaprost stopped working after a year or two and my pressure went up into the 20's.

Side Effects forrocklatan (latanoprost; netarsudil dimesylate) - User Comments


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