Ritodrine hcl (ritodrine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ritodrine hcl (ritodrine hydrochloride)

Am looking to find out any info and side effects other parents have found in the development of children exposed to ritodrine in utero

Side Effects forritodrine hcl (ritodrine hydrochloride) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

My Dr. thought this drug would work better than Seasonique, it didn't. Had no side effects with Seasonique so will go back on it.

only after days of taking the 3 month injection of lupron i started experiencing the heart palpations along with itching and difficulty breathing which caused me to develop asthma and have other medical problems i was placed on prednisone for the hives and i had to continue taking that medication for over year i was also experiencing fatigue i would be able to go to work and function but when i got home all i wanted to do is sleep

I have only had one shot so and am NOT going back for another in 2 weeks when I'm supposed to. First I noticed shortly after taking the shot that I have NO appetite (which is unusual for me, I'm slim with a very high metabolism and I'm hungry about every 3 hours). I would go days without wanting to eat. That feeling is beginning to subside as I'm eating again. Anther thing, I began spotting about 3 weeks after the shot, and 2 months later, guess what.. still bleeding. There's no consistency to what kind of flow (light, heavy), it's unpredictable (prior to taking the shot, I was never irregular with 3-4 day cycle). I have NO sex drive (which is also unusual, I usually have a very high libido)... I barely even think about sex anymore. & with the constant bleeding, My boyfriend and I both get really frustrated and rarely ever try to have sex anyway. Not to mention, I never had body acne, now I have acne all over my chest. I have extreme sensitivity to food, and smells as I get extremely nauseous all of a sudden. I get hot flashes & night sweats... Oh and to top all of this off, I have extreme mood swings. I get angry at the dumbest things, I cry all the time for no reason (not usually that emotional of a person). Good thing my boyfriend has the patience of a saint, because otherwise our relationship would be ruined because of this drug (lack of intimacy & extreme mood swings)! I wouldn't recommend this drug to my worst enemy!

High cholesterol & triglycerides

Worst antibiotic I have ever taken!!!!

if I take too much-stomach pain, otherwise-none

3rd week breakthrough bleeding on Trinessa/ OTC for years prior pretty much every other month.

My ped gave this to my 20 month old son for his allergies. He turned into a uncontrollable child. Screaming, having temper tantrums, kicking, hitting. I thought, Oh no terrible twos are going to be horrible. We took him off of it and he is back to a normal 2 year old. I do not recommend this at all.

headache,face flushed, neck swollen,cough, bad indigestion, leg pain soreness 2nd day. alot worse 3rd with thigh & back pain. woke up midnite wasn't sure if needed to call paramedics so much indigestion. didn't take it 4th day & back in bed leg, back & thigh pain. Wish i'd seen these comments before trying. Dr said some patients having bettr breathing on it.

I had every side effect you can think of, however now I have this beautiful little boy who was born November 16th, 2007 to show for all the rough times. Its well worth it.