Ritalin la (methylphenidate hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ritalin la (methylphenidate hydrochloride)

Hair loss. other side effects only in the beginning (less appetite, sleep problems)

Great medication helped me a lot, a real game changer for me


Frequent verbosity; Often emotionally labile when stress levels increased; Occasional paradoxical return of Narcoleptic sudden-sleepiness; Night sleep problems worsened if second dose taken after 14h00, most pronounced if eg16h00: ie REM state entire night, lifting in regular waves to almost wakefulness -( Adapting to this "thinking sleep", probably exacerbated emotional labileness); PROVIGIL addition, with its"flatness" affect, essentially eliminated tearfulness and irritation; Variable anxiety levels - which were ameliorated by periods of TRANQUIPAM addition to Ritalin/ Provigil dose.

Never felt LA variant actually lasted anywhere NEAR 10 hrs at all! Hence 2 doses a day. And, although PROVIGIL presumably decreased crying etc., and concomitantly improved social integration/ acceptablity - there was increased sense of internal hopelessness/ depression. But suicide ideation staved by overall increase in social interaction.

-Brain Zaps- Increased appetite- Worsens insomnia if taken even slightly later than usual- Heightened Anxiety- Worsened depression

Did not work for me at all, did not improve any aspect of my ADHD, will be talking to my Psychiatrist about switching when I see them next. To be noted: have in the last 2.5 months also come off of antidepressants after 4 years of taking them, so heightened anxiety and depression could possibly also be attributed to that.

ADHD comb bipolar 2 in hypomania

It was great, but I operated on 2hrs sleep a day, lost 16kg that I needed to loose, I then stabilised at my ideal weight. But my focus did not improve enough. I swapped to dexamphetamin for 6 months with no improvement, then Ritalin SR (for 10 months), because SR gives a stronger spike but I needed 3 x 20mg dose. I still didn't feel focused enough and changed it to 2 x 30mg dose. It improved slightly, but I forget to take it in the day, I've put 10kg back on. I now think my PTSD effects are now more of my problem. I'm now going to ask to go back to Ritalin LA. I take Lamotrigine 200mg for bipolar.

I had a complete loss of appetite and interest in food. Some nights I hyperfocused right through then operated all day, without being excessively tired. One weekend I woke up at 8am Friday after 4hrs sleep then only slept again properly from 10pm Sunday night. Ritalin overall helped me get my life back after severe trauma of loosing my dad to murder, that triggered my previously self managed ADHD into dissaray. The trauma also triggered onset of bipolar. In this time i was also hypersexual again associated with trauma and bipolar, but ADHDers are highly sexed too. On SR I've lost my sex drive, but my focus is improving my life now instead of filling an emotional void with adrenaline hits. Again this can also be PTSD affected too. Sleep has been an issue throughout but magnesium is helping me now.

side effects are minimal. 'try to stay away from all other stimulating substances like coffee, tea, certain oral asthma medications.

This LONG ACTING VERSION of Ritalin was a positive game changer for me. I have issues staying awake and this helped without all the anxiety.I WAS on the INSTANT RELEASE VERSION of Ritalin and the INSTANT RELEASE gave me a racing heart and intense anxiety with less benefit.I WOULD RECOMMEND RITALIN LONG ACTING instead of the instant release FOR ANYONE WHO HAS physical ANXIETY OR ASTHMA issues.

Exhaustion once effects have worn off,teeth integrity is declining rapidly, high BP, heart rate increase, irregular period/ shortened.

Concentration increased, attention to detail when effective, motivation increased.

When I would first take this drug after a school vacation, I would often be sick at about noon for the first few days. This drug did help me to be successful in school along with therapy to learn coping mechanisms. This drug would cause me to have insomnia (something I do not have at all when I do not take it) and supressed appetite. While on this medication, I noticed a significant increase in anxiety, and I did not feel like myself. I often told my parents I felt as if this medication "stole my soul" because I was no longer interested in things that previously interested me. I do remember experiencing suicidal thoughts, which is very unlike me. In the last 6 years that I have been off Ritalin, I have not had anything near a suicidal thought and I am know as a very positive person. I would take myself off of the drug for a few days, and the thoughts would go away. I always remained taking this drug because it pleased my teachers and parents, but I was miserable. I believe th

Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue

Increased energy and decrease of fibromyalgia pain. Decrease in appetite after I take it.

Initially my doctor perscribed this because I was so tired all the time, even after 10-12 hous of sleep at night. He wanted it to provide energy during the day for me. It helps most days with that, but it also decreases my fibro pain which also allows me to get more done during the day. I love it!

great drug has helped alot taking the 4 hr 10 mgs

Complete loss of appetite, excessive cleaning, good mood, great drug!

When I was diagnosed with narcolepsy I had to do the "run around" with all the drugs. When I got prescribed ritalin I loved it, the only problem was that it didn't last long enough. I was switched over to ritalin LA extended release and it is a god send. I can focus on whatever. I can sit down read and do research for hours. I have to stop myself from working so hard. Weight loss is another. The idea of food makes me sick. Heart pounds, but no discomfort. COMPLETELY RECOMMEND.

RITALIN LA (METHYLPHENIDATE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - ADHD. It works by changing the amounts of certain natural substances in the brain. Methylphenidate belongs to a class of drugs known as stimulants. It can help increase your ability to pay attention, stay focused on an activity, and control behavior problems. It may also help you to organize your tasks and improve listening skills. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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My partner is normally a high-functioning oncology nurse and has been out of work now for over six months due to increasing frequency of seizures. I think it's too early to determine if the med helps with her seizures but unless it stops them completely, we are not going to be able to tolerate this drug. It has made her a blubbering idiot and she is simply not the same person I have known and loved for the past 8 years. She is not safe to be left at home alone due to the disabling side effects. Doctors say to keep taking it and have even increased the dosage, telling us the side effects would diminish over time. I know there are many more options but the Docs seem resistant to change.

Absolutely none, not sure what people are talking about other than it tastes pretty awful.

On the fourth day I began to have leg and lower back pain. I attributed this to lots of housework the previous day. On the fifth day I felt like I'd been hit by a truck, but still not connecting this to the Keflex. On day six, my spine, neck, and head were killing me along with fever and fatigue. I called off work, which I RARELY do. I figured it was the Keflex since the more I took, the worse I felt. I stopped taking it with two days left, and called my Nurse Practitioner, but ahe didn't call back. To add insult to injury, I still have the boil and a nice, new yeast infection!

I finished my last treatment 2 nights ago, and I had absolutely NONE of the discharge that others here experienced. No burning either. Some of the medicine came out when I had a bowel movement, but that's it. After reading comments on this site I was fully expecting the giant globs of discharge, but that didn't happen for me. I am not prone to yeast infections (I've maybe had 3 in my life), so maybe that's why I didn't experience adverse side effects. I started taking FemDolphilus a few days before treatment (I ordered it from iherb.com) and I also took some folic acid for the last couple of days of treatment. This was my first time to be diagnosed with BV, so hopefully I won't get a recurrence later on. Also, I had one margarita with my dinner during treatment, and I did not have any adverse "Antabuse" effects. Good luck ladies!

constipation, sweat"flashes", and my upper teeth have $10,000. worth of damage to them. No decay on my lower teeth where I never put a stick.

Should not be allowed to be sold on the market

cough, mucus drainage ears, nose

this stuff sucks. i had alsost lost my voice befor going back in. it did not help my athsma at all, if it did nything it made it worse. when it goes down your throat it stings and stays there till you get a drink.

I have taken Zyrtec in years past with no side effects. HOWEVER, I went back on it 5 days ago after taking Allegra for 3 months and having bone pain with that, and I am so sick, I cannot believe this is the same Zyrtec I used to take. They must have changed the formula. I am so tired and lethargic, it feels like an effort to breath. I have to drink something with caffeine just to stay awake. I have almost no appetite, can't eat more than a few bites without feeling sick. I have alternating constipation and diarrhea with severe gas. I have not taken a dose of Zyrtec today and I will never take it again. I cannot wait until this garbage is out of my system and I feel human again. I would rather just suffer with the allergies for the rest of my life.

In hindsight we wish that my father had never been put on this medication as he suffered so much whilst taking them...We also stopped the statins that my father had been prescribed for years as he had no history of heart problems but we found out that a possible side effect of simvaststin could be memory issues!...We also found out that Aricept can cause all these unwanted side effects because it over-excites the para-sympathetic part of the nervous system which controls glands/excretions etc..hence the watering eyes,runny nose,stomach secretions,urinary/faecal overstimulation....My fathers symptoms started gradualy after the increased dose of 10mg and when we noticed the first symptoms of runny nose,rash and dark urine the doctor just said it might need time to settle down,It didnt settle down, it just got worse until 3 months later we stopped it without seeing the doctor,..After about 7 weeks we felt that the Aricept was finaly leaving his system and he is a much happier and relaxed man now.....We are without doubt that all these side effects came about due to taking Aricept as my father has had excellent health up until then...I wish that the doctors had explained in much more detail about how dangerous this drug is and how drastic it can effect peoples health..... I hope that this information helps someone as I was truly shocked to learn how many people out there have suffered from taking this drug