Risperdal consta (risperidone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Risperdal consta (risperidone)

RISPERDAL CONSTA (RISPERIDONE): Risperidone is used to treat certain mental/mood disorders (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder). This medication can help you to think clearly and take part in everyday life. Risperidone belongs to a class of drugs called atypical antipsychotics. It works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural substances in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Almost 1 month to feel almost fully recovered.

When I broke my leg I had serious muscle spasms which Norflex relieved almost immediately.

severe diarrhea ( 10 to 15 BMa day, and its been this way for 8 days now. it started after my last dose) and loss of appetite. been surviving on fluids.

I had the worst side effects I have ever experienced. Really bad chest ache, stomach discomfort even though I took this medication alongside a gut protector, heartburn, lower back pain, neck pain, joint pain, severe headaches, insomnia, nightmares, shivers, low fever, lack of energy, lightheaded, nausea, dizziness, yeast infection to name a few. Overall, I felt really sick during the treatment and had to stop taking this antibiotic. I know many people haven't experienced bad side effects, but if I were you and I had the chance, I would definitely ask my physician for an alternative drug.

I have noticed diarrhea that started one week after starting Aciphex.

I've tried just about everything, and keep coming back to zoloft. I hate the loss of libido, but it really works for the depression.

I did not have any adverse reactions. Did not dry out my skin and I have very sensitive skin. Tried many other prescription lotions, but Klaron was the only lotion that helped.

Having tried short courses of antibiotics over 10 years, including Bactrim, only to have the problem return, I went to a university medical library, and found the recommendation for my chronic problem to be 50 (FIFTY)days. I took this medication for the full course, and it completely ended the problem. That was in 1980. I was probably able to get this prescription because we had not entered the current anti-antibiotic hysteria. By all means, stop taking an antibiotic IMMEDIATELY, as soon as you get side effects. Once I was prescribed Cipro for sinusitus. It has the possible side effect ripping apart the Achilles tendon, so that the tendon breaks. The first night, I woke up with a tightening of the A. tendon, so I stopped taking it immediately. Learn the possible side effects of the drug BEFORE you take it, and find reliable information in the drug index at your library. (Detailed copies of every monograph are available at libraries in Canada.) Doctors mistakenly believe that yo

Extreme mood swings. Extreme. I cry all the time and I can consciously see that is strange, but cannot stop myself. Also so much Acne. I have not had Acne like this in 10 years.Gigantic zits. Some weight gain, but I don't even care because the emotional side effects are overwhelming.

dizziness; headache; sleepiness; confusion; hungry ALL the time; blurred vision; itchy eyes