Risedronate sodium (risedronate sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Risedronate sodium (risedronate sodium)

Tiredness on the day I take it

Have tolerated this drug well, for now

RISEDRONATE SODIUM (RISEDRONATE SODIUM): Risedronate is used to prevent and treat certain types of bone loss (osteoporosis) in adults. Osteoporosis causes bones to become thinner and break more easily. Your chance of developing osteoporosis increases as you age, after menopause, or if you take corticosteroid medications (such as prednisone) for a long time. This medication works by slowing bone loss to help maintain strong bones and reduces the risk of broken bones (fractures). Risedronate belongs to a class of medications called bisphosphonates. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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excessive urination is the only problem I had. Its the only antibiotic that has been able to wipe out my bacterial pneumonia. I really don't get the bad reviews. Its done wonders for me!!!

Hair loss, weight gain (15 lbs), hand tremors, "flat-line" affect (i.e. no true depression but lack of caring about much of anything; no joy)

Has been the difference between night and day for me even after just a few months

i was on tamoxifen for 3 years before i had a scare with my ovaries. they took them out and the oncologist put me on femara, i have started to feel joint pain in my thumb and hips. its good to read everyones comments. Think i'll knock coffee off the diet list and see if that helps with the flushes.

Please study the medicine you are taking before using it IMPROPERLY and complaining about the side affects. I will explain many of the side affects of this medicine.It is known that imiquimod activates a potent immune response through the toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7), which causes and increase in cytokines (primarily interferon) natural killer cells, macrophages and B-lymphocytes.If you get canker like sores or major flu symptoms then it is a CLEAR sign that you are using WAY TOO MUCH cream. Use the MINIMAL amount possible to get the result you need. Be patient and after several weeks increase the dose if needed. In this case more cream DOES not equal a faster or better result. Please don’t listen to me, ask your doctor, do your own research and be logical.

I highly recommend checking into side effects, they are real, they are there for a reason.

This drug is HORRIBLE. It does more harm than good. I was started on 50 mg 2x a day with no relief of migraines. After 3 weeks of pain, my Dr. upped my prescription to 3x a day. All these side effects started slow and steady, not realizing it was the drug, I thought I was severely ill. All MRI's and EEG's were normal, I changed Dr's and in one visit was told of these side effects. Stopped the Topomax and slowly got better. If I didnt change Dr's what would have happened to me. Plus my headaches improved too !! They should take TOPAMAX of the market and burn it .

Feel very "off". Feel cloudy and not sharp. Like staring into space at times. Periodicallynduring the day I feel OK, but I never feel great like I used to. I can no longer drink regular coffee like I used to as this medicine makes me very anxious/nervous. Not full blown Anxiety, but mild anxiety like I feel like I am on the edge of my seat. I used to be strong and firm and at times I feel very fragile and weak. It lowered my BP almost instantly from 155/110 down to 140/90 within a few after and after 2-3 days, my BP has been ruuning perfect around 125-130/77-82. I am always lazy and have no real desire to do much. I used to zip around the house non-stop and now kind of float around the house in a sober stuper. Tried Lisinopril 20mg first for about 5 weeks and that gave me Anxiety every other day. Had to take 10-15 valiums while on Lisinopril. Switched to Valasartan and similar effcts plus I was constantly hungry. Tried Metoprolol cause Bystolic is expensive and almost passed

It started out excessive energy the first day, followed by angry outbursts. The next three days I experienced a horrible toothache, gum irritation and inflammation, swelling in my throat and face, swelling in my arms, loss of appetite, no desire to move, and dizziness. I also felt like I was out of this world, really zoned out.

During day: Blurred vision, light sensitivity, stiff neck, left eye twitchAt night: Extreme anxiety, unexplainable sense of impending doom, deep and true fear that I would die in my sleep. When husband asked what is wrong-I truly could not explain other than cry and answer "I don't know but something is really wrong". It was terrifying. Chills, panic, feeling of something stuck in throat or that I needed to belch and nothing happening. Feeling of not getting enough air even though I was breathing properly. Despair. Consider going to ER--but what could I tell them other than I was apparently losing my mind?