Rifampin (rifampin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Rifampin (rifampin)

headaches, confusion, poor memory

I took this drug for three months. I had headaches the first two weeks I took it, but they went away. I was having terrible brain fog with confusion and poor memory for a few months and never thought about it being this medication. As soon as I stopped taking it, the symptoms went away within a week.

RIFAMPIN (RIFAMPIN): This medication is a rifamycin antibiotic used to prevent and treat tuberculosis and other infections. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Anger issues but it controls me from having grand Mal seizures

I have a question. How quickly does this drug take effect? I just got my first dose on Sept. 19th. I was supposed to start my next period Sept. 22nd. It can't work that fast, can it? I mean, there are other reasons why my period might be wonky, it often is, but this is weird. I've had more energy lately and my stomach looks like my stomach for the first time in I don't know how many years. The general fatigue, pain, and malaise that came from my fibroids seems to have evaporated. I don't trust anything that works this fast but I have to say that I feel better than I've felt in the past year.

I was on this med for a little less than a year and it worked wonders. I stated out at 15 which was too low, moved up to 30 mg which worked great for months and then moved up to 37.5. After moving up to 37.5 I noticed most of the side effects like the irritability, nausea, memory loss wired feeling and anxiousness. This med only works for 2 weeks and then stops. Then you have to stop taking it for a couple of days and start back up again. I lost over 40 pounds and after stopping the med, I am starting to gain weight back. I tried to take it again in June and I started having rapid heartbeats and panic attacks. I don't know if I can attribute the effects to this med, but I have not taken it again since. My sister took this med and it made her irritable and anxious too and she stopped taking it. My sister and I both lost a tremendous amount of weight on it. I like what it did for me when I was taking it initially, and it does work, but I caution everyone to be careful.

breakthrough bleeding mid cycle. I have taken 2 other pills and this has been the worst. Asking to be switched back to former pill.

Impotence after 3 weeks. Breast development, dry skin, nice calm. Nausea for 1st week and tenderness and pain in nipples developing breasts.

I had to take this after the oral version (Flagyl) caused extreme nausea. I had absolutely no side effects from Metrogel. I was a bit nervous after reading all the comments here about women experiencing weird toilet-papery discharge. I had no discharge at all; it seemed like all the medication that wasn't absorbed came out when I urinated first thing in the morning. I also drank wine in moderation while using Metrogel with no reaction although this is discouraged due to the oral version being notorious for horrible, Antabuse-type reactions to alcohol consumption. Overall I highly recommend this drug and will never use Flagyl again. As a side note, I also took probiotics during the course of treatment with Metrogel to counteract the negative effects of the antibiotic, and I plan to continue to take probiotics to avoid any further vaginal infections.

Took diflucan for 20 years without any problem. My dose was increased and I had severe stomach pain and felt horrible. Everytime I try to begin taking it again I notice esophagus pain, bad anxiety/nervousness.

i havent taken it yet, reading all this has made me scared

I found that if I take it right before I go to bed, I sleep like a rock, and wake up maybe an hour earlier than I do in the winter (without Allegra D), but feeling completely refreshed. As for efficacy, it works wonders for my seasonal allergies! It's enabled me to quit asthma steroids, which have much more terrible side effects. :-(

I had to go up very slowly on lamictal, and it produced feelings of euphoria for the first few months. I also had to deal with fainting spells for a few months, generally after I had not had a good nights sleep. As a side effect of lamictal, I have very mild acne, and am more likely to develop cysts. I had some problems with very vivid dreams, which went away once I decreased the dose from 175 to 100 sucessfully. The tremor which I developed when going on lithobid also subsided after decreasing the lamictal.