Rifadin (rifampin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Rifadin (rifampin)

slight nausea, diarrhea. In the long run, it didn't work because I still have the infection.

RIFADIN (RIFAMPIN): This medication is a rifamycin antibiotic used to prevent and treat tuberculosis and other infections. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I began taking Amitriptyline (Elavil) about 3 or 4 months ago, and my Dr. increased my dose up to 50 mg. per day. It was supposed to help with both my interstitial cystitis and possibly my irritable Bowel syndrome. The first thing is that it didn't help with either one of these, and secondly it has caused me to put on close to 20 pounds in such a short period of time. I'm a short person with curves so i always weigh in at the upper limits of what's healthy for my size, but to add on as much weight as i've added, has made me feel uncomfortable in my own body and unhealthy. My doctor has had me gradually decreasing my dosage over the past 3 weeks and as of tomorrow i will be off it completely. I would seriously recommend looking into this medication as much as possible before taking it as a lot of people have experienced this same weight gain problem and there are other medications to try. I wish everyone the best!

Hot flushes,night sweats,lose of interest in sex and dry vagina.

I first started off with Ortho-Lo and had breakthrough bleeding for two weeks and acne so I had my doctor switch me to Ortho Tri Cyclen. I have been on Ortho Try Cyclen for two months and have experienced an almost complete loss in sex drive, vaginal dryness, weight gain (about 5-8 pounds) and fatigue. I haven't had the terrible mood swings most seem to have but have been tired all the time. The first month I experienced nausea which subsided during the second month. My skin looks no different than before I started. My breasts are so swollen they look like they are going to pop and my husband has to be extra careful while having sex because they are so sensitive.

I noticed a huge difference just after a few days. I'm being titrated up and am currently on 100mg and feeling good.

Works for me and I feel a lot better than I did on varioous other beta blockers.

I seem to have developed an itchy rash and acne. I also seem to have more sleepless nights and lest restful sleep. My stomach is upset more, but I'm sure this has more to do with when and what I eat.

Dizziness, fatigue, blurred or double vision, weight gain, constipation, unbalanced

None that i know of for sure. Do seem to have a lack of motivation and all i want to do is sit at the computer and read.

Increase on BP, headache, palpitationsHad previous similar reaction to morphinePrevious level 1 Traumatic Brain InjuryThey did not do surgery at surgical center, blamed me for non controlled BP?