Ribavarin (ribavirin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ribavarin (ribavirin)

They were minimal. Foggy head, occasional nausea and mild itch. Some people experience rash and severe itch.

Used along side Interferon and Telaprevir, this drug is part of the cocktail cure for Hepatitis C. I have responded very well using this medication and have cleared the virus. It's pretty well the only treatment, so you have no real say in it.In Canada it comes as copegasys. An injection of Peginterferon-Alpha-2a and a bottle of ribavarin. The interferon injection produces flu-like symptoms for up to, but not always 3 days.

RIBAVARIN (RIBAVIRIN): Ribavirin is used in combination with other antiviral medications (such as interferon, sofosbuvir) to treat chronic (long-lasting) hepatitis C, a viral infection of the liver. Chronic hepatitis C infection can cause serious liver problems such as scarring (cirrhosis), or liver cancer. Ribavirin works by reducing the amount of hepatitis C virus in your body, which may help your liver recover. It is not known if this treatment can prevent you from passing the virus to others. Do not share needles, and practice "safer sex" (including the use of latex condoms) to lower the risk of passing the virus to others. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Due to bad family history and some early calcification, taking 10 mg at bed time quickly lowered total cholesterol to new target well under 200. After taking it for 8 months developed widespread muscle pain - neck, back, hips, legs, and hands. Aches and pains interupt sleep. Very stiff upon waking and hands hurt so much can't make a fist. Weakness when standing after sitting. Early in the day I move like someone much older. Pain diminishes throughout the day. lst doctor said probably had arthritis but could not explain overnight appearance or widespread discomfort. Second doctor said has been seeing lots of patients who have similar problem with statins and blood tests not confirming inflamation. Has suggested I stop taking for around 3 months to see if symptons go away. If pain disappears will try another statin. Also taking Fosamax 35.

I had a complete hysterectomy in 01/2011 and was put on Estradiol 2MG and the dosage was doubled until 09/2011 and it did not help with hot flashes and lack of energy at all. Finally with prompting from me, my gyn prescribed me 1.25 MG Premarin. Within 2 weeks my hot flashes were gone, I had tons of energy and felt good again. Premarin worked when estradiol did not for me. My mom has been on it for about 25 years.

Administered intravenously with fentanyl; no memory of the procedure whatsoever. (I have to take their word for it that it was done!) I remember my mind starting to feel addled for just a few seconds after the nurse added the sedatives to the IV, and nothing else until I was walking to the car to be driven home. At the time (so I'm told) I remembered being told it was time to get dressed in the recovery room, but soon afterwards I had no memory of that. My girlfriend tells me that on the drive home, I asked her six times what the doctor told her about the results of the procedure.

Do your research before putting anything into your body !

I stopped taking the med 5 days ago and still feel awful. Struggling to work all day. Please tell me this will go away. I'm very worried.

I've been on Depo for about a month now, and I don't really have much bad to say about it. I've always had weight problems, so I'm not blaming the Depo totally for my weight gain. I have had a very slight decrease in sex drive, but nothing too severe. It has stopped my periods completely, which is good, and I don't have to try to remember to take a pill at the same time every day. The only real problem I have had with it is some pretty bad fatigue and dizziness the only time I got it in my arm. When I have gotten it in the hip, it's been fine. Obviously not for everyone, but it's worked for me. :)