Revatio (sildenafil citrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Revatio (sildenafil citrate)

Flushing and hot feeling. Increased heart rate (140bpm) to the point I couldn't sleep. Tired the next day. I did give me a good enough erection to enjoy sex for more time than usual.

REVATIO (SILDENAFIL CITRATE): Sildenafil is used to treat high blood pressure in the lungs (pulmonary hypertension). It works by relaxing and widening the blood vessels in your lungs which allows the blood to flow more easily. Decreasing high blood pressure in the lungs allows your heart and lungs to work better and improves your ability to exercise. This medication is not recommended for use in children. Discuss the risks and benefits of this medication with the doctor. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I've only taken this for two days after Dr. prescribed it for a stubborn sinus infection. In this short of a time I haven't noticed it really doing anything, but suddenly yesterday afternoon -- a few hours after the second day's dose -- the eye pain, watering, and runny nose began, and they have not stopped for one minute in the nearly 20 hours since. Benedryl did lighten the watering eyes and runny nose enough that I can at least see and breathe now, but it's still bad enough that I'm stuck in the house. I will NOT be taking this anymore!

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1st shot only a sore arm and a little fatigue which cleared up in 2 to 3 days. The second dose administered on Feb. 11, 2021 has been QUITE different. I suffered a severely sore left arm, bright red rash from injection site to elbow. Then came the chills, joint pains, upset stomach, headaches, fast heartbeat, severe fatigue but I didn't know that my blood pressure (which had been under control) had skyrocketed to the 160's over 90's and even worse 175/94. Here it is over a month later and I am still getting sudden, and hard pain in my left arm, the skin is mottled where the rash was AND my blood pressure is STILL NOT under control even though my primary care physician has increased the dosage of my beta blocker. Here it is March 20, 2021 and I was awakened this morning by a jolt of pain (NOT joint pain) in my left arm and it is still feeling like something is shocking the muscle. I have suffered sever joint pain making it very difficult to walk at times and I still don't "feel normal", especially being faced with stroke/heart attack levels of high blood pressure. I take good care of myself and see my doctor on a regular basis and take a Wellness physical with blood tests on a yearly basis. I only take one medication; a beta blocker for P.A.T. and what was once a MILDLY high blood pressure problem that was under control.

After the first dose, mild discomfort in back and upper back burned. Symptoms only lasted a few minutes. After the third dose, I felt like I was in labor and the pelvic bones were pulling apart. Walking sounds would confuse some with popping pop corn. Several large lumps above right knee that are itchy and painful, and the worse is burning in the rectum. I am due for my fourth monthly dose in two days. I see my Dr. in a week and will decide at that time if I will continue to take Actonel.

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Within two hours of taking the second pill, I began to vomit and develop a fever of 103. I took the next day's dosage b/c I thought it was the flu. I was wrong. The fever continued in addition to the vomiting and I broke out in hives all over my body and my face swelled up. This occured despite my only having digested 3 of the Bactrim pills. I had to go to the Emergency room because the doctor I saw at Urgent Care over the weekend, laughed in my face and didn't take my request for another antibiotic seriously. He told me to go the ER because he thought more serious problems were going on. Guess what. There were serious problems. BACTRIM!! It almost killed me. And it took the ER dr. 6 hours to figure this one out, b/c he too ignored my repeated efforts to tell him that I was having an allergic reaction to Bactrim. He made me drink contract to see if my appendix had ruptured first, then he took CT scans of my abdomen and my sinus cavity. Low and behold, my "gut" area is clear b