Repronex (menotropins (fsh;lh)) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Repronex (menotropins (fsh;lh))

Red splotches around the injection site, bloating, area was tender to touch and painful when I used my ab muscles.

I was expecting a lot worse, and most of my side effects had more to do with getting shots in my stomach than the drug itself. Some had warned me that Repronex stung but I never had that problem.

Stings as the shot goes in, but other than that no side effects.

bee-sting like reaction at injection site when taken sub-q, that lasted days. No side effects when taken i/m.

Although sub q shots are easier, i think many people have reaction to this drug sub q. Intramuscular shots of this drug were much less worrisome to me.

Side Effects forrepronex (menotropins (fsh;lh)) - User Comments


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I used this drug only three times. The morning after the third use, I woke up with blisters. Went to the Doctor and she told me I had herpes and tested me. I was shocked.I searched the net for days, comparing my symptoms to those of herpes and they were the same. My Doctor called me an hour ago and I am NEGATIVE. It is a chemical burn. If you are blistering, dont freak out and think you have herpes too. I will never use this crap ever again!

Severe nausea and diarrhea,pain in my left side and burping ended up in the emergency room for severe dehydration had to be given fluids

stomach bloating to begin with then severe stomach pain and vomiting after 5 days

Mild Weight gain, drowse during the day.

Akathisia from the "done" drugs risperidone and ziprasidone.

I got hives all over my body for two days.

Taking 2 x 500mg a day, for 10 days. I did 3 days, I will start my 4th day in a few minutes. So sad Im crying. Insomnia, extreme awful taste in my mouth. Depressed because it is such a slow recovery, probably because I can't rest. I feel confused, can't go to work and feel so bad about it.

Ketamine infusion worked great on me. The infusion is extremely pleasurable.

speedy heart rate, paranoia, increased anger, loss of libido, extreme memory loss, feeling flat emotionally(as an opera singer this sucks!)

This is the worst thing that happened to me life. I went to the ER like everyone else I see in here for a migraine. They gave me toradol and compazine for my headache. Immediately after receiving this medication in the IV I started trembling uncontrollably. I told the nurse and they gave me Benadryl which lead to the worst experience of my life where I was so exhausted from the Benadryl that I couldn't move, but I was still trembling inside and couldn't tell anyone. So I was essentially stuck inside my body shaking but also unable to move. This continued for hours even after I got home. I took a bunch of Xanax and managed to sleep for a bit.Fast forward 5 months and my life is falling apart. I have developed serious panic attacks, anxiety, and trembling that does not go away. This drug has ruined my life.