Rayos (prednisone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Rayos (prednisone)

I had finally fixed my digestion. I was having daily b.m.s. After starting this medicine I have not had a b.m. for two days now. This is the only thing I have changed in my routine. Obviously constipation is a side effect. I have no gas or movement of any kind. Hope I don't need an enema. I will not be continuing this medicine for fear of hemorrhoids and colon cancer. Obviously hunger is increased with any prednisone so eating and not being able to poop cannot be healthy.

RAYOS (PREDNISONE): Prednisone is used to treat conditions such as arthritis, blood disorders, breathing problems, severe allergies, skin diseases, cancer, eye problems, and immune system disorders. Prednisone belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. It changes how your body responds to different medical conditions to lessen symptoms such as swelling and allergic-type reactions. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Ive been on this for almost 2 months and I have experienced nothing but effects, and my blood pressure has not been substantially lowered.

Bowel movement accidents - unable to control onset of bowel movement. I also have Multiple Sclerosis.

Cant sleep, crying, mood swings, night terrors, Engery levels decrease.

Gave medication for 2 days, he started feeling better but then several days after I stopped giving it to him he was breaking out into cold sweats said he couldn't see, so I think he was about to faint. Severe leg pain, to the point he could barely walk and now 4 days after medicine has been stopped he is extremely aggitated and seems to be scared of normal things that he shouldn't be. Glad I didn't give him the full script...I hope he is going to recover from this. It is very scary and I don't know what to do for him. Had no idea there were these kind of side effects.

This medicine is so terrible and I thought I was alone in thinking this until I read so many of these reviews! I am taking cipro along with this but am considering calling my doctor to see if there is a substitute for flagyl. This medicine SCARES me!I echo so many of the comments that said they are afraid the medicine is more damaging than what it's fighting!

headaches every day, then a few days later a full body rash that was itchy

Menstrual irregularities, acid reflux, continued allergy symptoms, headache

slight headaches, dizzyness,sometimes vision changes

None, so far - maybe an itch in throat/need to cough now and again?

Cured bv in 4 days, side effects of this drug are horrible.