Rapamune (sirolimus) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Rapamune (sirolimus)

RAPAMUNE (SIROLIMUS): Sirolimus is used with other medications to prevent rejection of a kidney transplant. This medication belongs to a class of drugs known as immunosuppressants. It works by weakening your body's defense system (immune system) to help your body accept the new organ as if it were your own. Sirolimus may also be used to treat a certain lung disease (lymphangioleiomyomatosis-LAM). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I have been on this pill so long that it is unknown how I would be otherwise. I am never depressed or moody. Glad that I very rarely have periods. I do NOT take the generic version, the generics are not manufactured the same and break apart in bits too easily, compromising the integrity of the hormones.

Normally this medicine isn't used on a long term basis but my doctor made an exception because it helps fight the fibromyalgia muscle spasms so that I can get a good night's sleep. Because I've been on it so long, I no longer feel tired from it during the day. It has not lost its effectiveness nor have I needed a dosage increase.This drug can easily become addicting so use in moderation is advisable.

Total mental breakdown, hallucinating. Could have locked me up in the psych ward

This has been amazing for me whereas Lunesta made me feel like I was going insane. It doesn't knock me out, but it does help me get to sleep if I make myself go to bed within an hour of taking it. I also take 30 mg. of Elevil to help me stay asleep.

Had to stop taking Humira 2 years ago due to contracting TB from a friend that was undiagnosed,. It took 6 months to get rid of TB. Now my swelling and painful joints are an issue again and psoriasis scales are returning. I do miss the benefits that Humira gave me, but the doctor recommends not going back on Humira again after having TB.

Took 2 pills the first day, woke up the next morning with an extreme migraine, fever and painful joints in my entire body. Then my hands, ankles and feet continued to swell and I felt like I had the flu. Stopped taking on second day and still waiting for the soreness and swelling to go down. Very painful and immobilizing. Did more damage than the initial infection I had.

Irritability, crankiness in my 3 year old after one week of taking zyrtec. iritability, crankiness and decreased sex drive in my spouse after one week of taking zyrtec

I would not recommend this medication. It took at least a full week for it to even clear up the respiratory infection that I had. Then, as soon as I started feeling better, I got a horrible rash!

I recently had my blood checked a week ago. My appt.with the Dr.a week later stated calcium levels were all way below normal. So I'm now to take prescription for that. I'm on fosamax 70mg weekly also.I have severe bone pain from my head to my feet. It is so painful that it keeps me from walking any distance. I hope these medication s help after 2years.Its slow going but I will give it a try.Also I crave milk? Have never been that way before? Dr said it is due to low calcium in my bones.I have to let the Dr know how I feel in a month. I may have to quit fosamax? Thanks for listening.

I took Lipitor for many years & gradually developed nearly every known side effect & adverse reaction! After trying Tricor, which didn't lower my cholesterol & then another statin (Zocor) simvastatin, which left me weak, achy, etc., my doc insisted that I give statins one last shot, then he'd stop pushing them on me. After taking pravastatin for almost 3 months, my cholesterol was alot lower - from 396 down to 238, but I developed severe migraine-type headaches, bulging veins in my temples, horrible neck & shoulder pain & aches & stiffness in my lower back, & higher blood pressure. I stopped the pravachol & was almost normal within a few days, then informed my doc, who told me to stay off for 2 weeks, then to try it again. Been on it for 2 days now & the headache, neck ache & bulging veins in my temples have returned with a vengenace & my blood pressure is probably up, too. BTW, I have also taken co-q 10 for years, but the doc never told me t