Ranexa (ranolazine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ranexa (ranolazine)

Made me forget where my car was parked, confused like I had dementia. Stopped and head cleared immediately! No more!ยด

I have had a lot of stress but I am now very depressed, shaky, dizzy, anxiety attacks for the first time in my life. Could this be causing it?

I have dizziness and a spinning sensation all day. I also have stomach problems, along with the swelling. I am not able to continue this particular medicine.

It hasn't changed my BP any, put on weight and puffed up like a marshmallow. It also seems to cancel out my water pills

I'm sure it's a good fit for some, not me. The fast weight gain was not what I needed

Extreme but manageable constipation.

I am having unusual tiredness I suspect may be a side effect but not sure yet.

One totally occluded artery 17yrs after quintuple CABG surgery..... had pain only after exercise ....worked great for me ....expensive in US

Ringing in ears sometimes worse then other

does help but ringing in ears is sometimes almost unbearable.

dry mouth, but, wonderful energy...I feel great!

it's a new drug, but this one works!

Small Vessel Disease: Chest Pain

Able to exercise now without chest pain and shortness of breath. Improved my quality of life greatly!

Did what it was intended to do.....stop Angina pain.Missed a dose.....the Angina came back. I won't miss anymore.

RANEXA (RANOLAZINE): Ranolazine is used to treat a certain type of chest pain (chronic stable angina). It decreases the number of times you may get chest pain. Relieving symptoms of angina can increase your ability to exercise and perform strenuous work. Ranolazine works differently than other drugs for angina, so it can be used with your other angina medications (e.g., nitrates, calcium channel blockers such as amlodipine, beta blockers such as metoprolol). It is thought to work by improving how well the heart uses oxygen so that it can do more work with less oxygen. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Severe anxiety, bloated, loss of appetite, joint pain, back and shoulder pain

I do think it will kick in and i'll be back to myelf last time on itIi don't think was high enough does I was one it one year and I did have a great year that year...and the doctor thought it would cure it that time but it came back shortly after..I think i have imbalnce and will need this medicine for quite a while and therapy.

Head-ache, temporary nausea, temporary light appetite, itching, rashes from Remicade and mild swelling from the Steroids they put in your IV before Infusion. Cronic Mild Sinus and Bronchitis.

Witht the addition of Byetta to my oral meds I was able to keep an almost normal A1C and have had very problems with hypoglycemia which I had in the past.

Not sure why this drug is allowed. Kickbacks i am guessing.

I ran during this time and ended up with plantar fasciitis, which lasted off & on for several months (with a cortisone shot). I also developed tendonitis in my biceps when laterally moving a very heavy sliding door, which bothered me for a couple of months with tenderness and very sharp pains.

I am taking 10 mg of Lexapro and it worked almost instantly surprisingly on my depression and I felt different about things and felt amazing, but now even though I have only takn it for three months I am starting to feel as though it isn't working anymore I feel like my symptoms pre lexapro are coming back. I am going to talk to my doctor about either upping my dosage or switching me to Wellbutrin SR.I have no energy anymore to do what i used to love, my son wants to play outside or read or play with me and all I want to do is sleep. I have lost the drive to do what used to make me happy. I can't concentrate in class anymore because my mind is constantly racing. ISometimes it feels like there are lines racing back and forth in my brain as though there are strings being pulled across my head almost like it's about to explode. Feels so weird. I feel light headed and feel as I am going to black out alot and sometimes lose my balance when i am just standing still. my heart starts rac

sore muscles, burning sensations on skin, muscles fatigue quickly, and joint pain. Taken 5 weeks ago and still no relief from these symptoms. Doctors can't find what happened, it has ruined my life.

flu-like symptoms for two days, feel cold, stiff, severe hair loss (grows back and falls out again) including eyebrows and lashes, so so tired, headaches and migraines have increased, heatburn, facial hair, gum sores and bleeding, bad breath, skin infections, eye problems, seeing black dots in my vision and increased sensitivity to light and noise, irritability, low concentration and memory problems, low sex-drive, insomnia vs. sleeping for an entire day. can't tolerate any alcohol.

The best miracle drug for me to solve my life crisis fears. I take many other physical medicines (not for anxiety)