Raloxifene hydrochloride (raloxifene hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Raloxifene hydrochloride (raloxifene hydrochloride)

Horrible knee pain and cramps in legs.

I am glad to learn what is causing my inability to walk without pain. Am stopping today.

Side Effects forraloxifene hydrochloride (raloxifene hydrochloride) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Ringing in the ears, muscle pain.

Hard to tell if it helps, really. I wet the bed once while taking it. Started to feel very bad physically but better mentally. Make sure to ask for monitored blood work with this medicine. I took it for a month, got off and just got put back on a lower dose with blood work being done periodically. Keep an eye on your urine and energy levels. Libido wasn't effected much. Made me a "zombie" to quote those around me but as far as mood swings, it helps.

I am 68 years old, have had the estrogen patch for years, recently became sexually active after nine years and was experiencing painful intercourse and burning and itching. There was no evidence of yeast, so the doctor suggested the cream, but it was too messy. So, I switched to the Estring and use the cream twice a week on the outside, because I was told the estrogen from the patch does not get to the vagina, and the estrogen from the ring does not get to the vulva. While all the other problems have subsided since using the Estring, I now have hot flashes which are making me pretty miserable.

I have used the old albuterol inhaler for 20 years with no trouble at all. This new one gets clogged with every use and is horrible! I had to run tothe drugstore for a replacement during an attack because it would not work, despite the fact that it was 3 days old.

Took generic brand of Bactrim and am pretty much bedridden and I have been off of it for almost a week. I have extreme nausea, back pain, stomach pain, severe leg fatigue, severe tingling throughout my fingers and toes and sometimes face and head. This is the worst antibiotic I've ever been on. I have been to doctor and he's doing bloodwork on me. If all checks out okay, he wants me to see neurologist. I will NEVER TAKE THIS AGAIN!!!

Dizziness, light headed, and mild nausea.

None while on it but severe itching and hives within 24 hours of not taking it. It is only medicine that helped allergies but feel stuck on it now!

Md says it's from abilify and maybe permanent.its been 3 months of intense daily pain

The only side-effect would be the Metallic taste in the morning to aft. But hey! - keeps me from eating too much ;)

I have been on this drug for a long time, it has been a decent medication, for the most part. It's mild, compared to the benzos and much easier to titrate off of. However, your body will adapt to the drug, as it has a short half life and works rather quickly. Increases in dosage are common for me; I have doubled the amount that I was initially prescribed over the years. A better strategy is to knock down your dosage for awhile and then increase it; you'll have better results. I take between 900mgs and 1200 mgs a day along with 200mgs of Lamictal and it has been a good combination for me. The side effects are annoying, but the mood stabilization/lack of mania is worth it.