Radiogardase (ferric hexacyanoferrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Radiogardase (ferric hexacyanoferrate)

constant constipation. hot flushed feeling and tingling. insomnia. depression, Do not take it. It's dangerous. I foolishly tested it and thought it would help me.

Side Effects forradiogardase (ferric hexacyanoferrate) - User Comments


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I AM WATCHING FOR ALL SIDE EFFECTS FROM THIS MEDICATION.Not sure if I trust the pharmical drugs pushed on Physicians.

After a violent out burst where I attact my girlfriend and her son. I was arested for felony domestic violence and child abuse.I have never been arested or have any criminal record! This drug is dangerous!!! It has turned my life into a nightmare. It has cost me my freedom,my home,and my relationship. Be very careful when taking this drug!!! It could ruin your life! These symptoms were so gradual I did'nt realize what was happening to me. Anyone with a similar problem please contact me.

Gabapentin has been amazing. I am in so many less pain. I can do so much more than I used it that I've lost a lot of weight. I am not waking up as much at night in pain, either, so I'm not as exhausted during the day.

Skin sensitivity, weakness, dizziness, hunger, stomach cramps, nausea, anxiety, mood swings, dark urine, muscle cramps, headache

Stabbing pain in right toe, hip pain, brain fog, headaches, muscle aches, general tiredness

Thankfully I decided to research this drug before starting the free sample my Dr. provided - I already have hip and knee pain and chronic colitis,I certainly don't need to add to it!! I take 50,000 units of Vitamin D weekly, cannot tolerate calcium supplements. My dexa readings have been the same for 4 years, osteopenia, so I am going to keep chasing my 5 grandchildren, eat my vegetarian diet, take Vitamin D, B12, B6 and pray daily. THANKS for adding your comments - you saved those of us who still had a choice of starting this horrible drug. Bless you all!!

A ton of nasty ones at first. I was so angry. Now not many, pretty much just nervousness and the feeling that I will never be able to stop taking it.

This drug significantly increased my urination frequency. Very easy to become dehydrated. But, because of volume depletion through urination, it lowered my blood pressure significantly enough so that I was able to discontinue one of my blood pressure meds. Had weight loss of 6 lbs. I think this was mostly due to water weight. Haven't had a1c check yet.

I'm not easily impressed with a medication. Particularly replacement therapies for an addiction, however, chantix thus far has exceeded my expectations. The side effects are minimal and withing two weeks I was barely thinking about cigarettes at all. As a partial agonist to those same receptors, the chantix essentially removes the physical craving over time. I'm giving this drug high marks, because of how easy it has made quitting this time around. I do however want to see what the discontinuation process is like. I haven't heard as much data on that. This stuff really shocked me in a good way.

Nasty taste in my mouth, fuzzy vision, tired, nausea, heartburn. Oh and did I mention the taste??