Rabeprazole sodium (rabeprazole sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Rabeprazole sodium (rabeprazole sodium)

Painful and blocked sinuses. Night sweats, fast heart rate, breathing difficulties, blurry vision, major insomnia.

Will not be taking again.Feels like I am being poisoned.

Breathing difficulty. Tight chest. Sickness nausea. Nervousness. Depression.heart racing.

I wish my doctor told me how bad it is to come off them.i now know that they are not helping. I need more acid not less.

First few days no problem acid problem sorted then after about 7 days..anxiety, palpation back pain feeling of something suck in throat..2nd time I've tried to take this tablet and same side effects..not taking anymore.

back pain, gas, Diarrhea, stomach ache, anxiety .

I was having severe heart palpitations and a feeling of being woozy, similar to low blood sugar, then pain in lower left stomach!! Never had this with the brand name achipex!!

Wouldn't take this ever but insurance is making me try all generics before the brandname :-(

Having problems with acid reflux and breathing difficulty my doctor changed the frequency of dose from 10mg twice a day to 20mg at night only.First night I slept well for a change but woke with worse breathing difficulty. Still sweating when short of food.

I have asthma and can't get an answer to my breathing difficulties when taking ppi's

Terrible thought I was dying tight chest tingling feet tight chest deep headaches

Can't seem to take sodium.All PPI s seem have same problems

Choking sensation, tounge burning, feet tingling, and anxiety off the roof. I had an overall sick feeling

Diarrhea ,headache, joint pain, burping

First couple of days no reaction. Still taking ant acids when needed. Third long lasting burning esophagus. Worse than original acid reflux.

Severe stomach pain with back ache too. Also head felt giddy and heart beating strongly. These all occurred within 2-3 hours of taking just one tablet.

Joint pain, back pain, tiredness,vague,sore feet

Really helped my acid reflux, but did not like the side effects.

Sore and aching joints. Swollen hands and fingers. Buzzing feeling in feet.

This worked fairly quickly to lessen the burning in my stomach and throat, and it decreased the burping due to reflux. However, it caused daily headaches after the first week of taking it. On day #11, I had a massive headache all evening, even though I drank lots of water (as I'd never suffered from headaches previously).As a result, I had to stop taking this drug. Surgery may be the next step...

Skipped periods; constipation; insomnia; heart flutter; BURNING SKIN; rash; swollen feet & ankles.

I was on Omeprazole 10 MG x 2 for 5 days, when that didn't help the heartburn my doctor doubled it to 20 MG x 2 for 2 weeks. That caused my skin to burn so he switched me to Rabeprazole 20 MG x 2 which I was on for 3 weeks. During this time my skin burning was SEVERE. Extremely sensitive soles of feet, top of feet, toes, up my ankles; burning pain; sort of felt itchy and hyper-sensitive. Palms as well. On my own I started reducing the Rabeprazole. I went down to 10 MG x 1 in the morning and 20 MG x 1 in the evening for 11 days. After that I went down to 10 MG x 2 for 2 weeks. After that I went down to 10 MG x 1 for 3 1/2 weeks and then quit. My insomnia and heart flutter went away when I quit. My period has NOT returned (I am only 34 and haven't been on any contraceptive for years and have only ever once skipped a period which was due to a surgery). My BURNING SKIN is extremely bad, my feet and ankles are swollen, and I have a rash wherever it burns (feet and lower legs are worse but skin is sensitive everywhere). Rabeprazole helped my heartburn while I was on it but the side effects are not worth it. I still have heartburn, it has worsened, and I haven't been able to speak for weeks due to the pain in my throat, I am scared of getting Barrett's or cancer, but I am not willing to ever take another "prazole" drug. Note: I am also on valproic acid/divalproex sodium.

Chest pains, chest tightness, lump in throat, difficulty swallowing, difficulty breathing, coughing, anxiety attacks and nervousness.

Side-effects did not start until 2 weeks after taking the medication. Symptoms began slowly and then significantly increased in severity as the days passed. Stopped taking the medication 2 days ago and side-effects diminished. Hopefully, they will be completely gone soon.

Tremendous indigestion. Had to stop taking it.

This didn't work as well (and had more side effects) than the brand name of Aciphex. The generic brand I took was made my Mylan. Stopping this resolved the problem.

RABEPRAZOLE SODIUM (RABEPRAZOLE SODIUM): Rabeprazole is used to treat certain stomach and esophagus problems (such as acid reflux, ulcers). It works by decreasing the amount of acid your stomach makes. It relieves symptoms such as heartburn, difficulty swallowing, and persistent cough. This medication helps heal acid damage to the stomach and esophagus, helps prevent ulcers, and may help prevent cancer of the esophagus. Rabeprazole belongs to a class of drugs known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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headache and bad muscle aches.. is this common to anyone? i feel so weak and paranoid!!

Have never experienced such extreme side effects from antibiotics, disappointed pharmacist and/or GP did not even hint at possibility of side effects. Did not get a leaflet with the tablets so had to look up the info online.

Inpending doom. (Especially at night and during physical activity)Heart palpitations, increase anxiety. Racing thoughts, extreme dry mouth, bloody stool, weakness, sleepiness during the day. Trouble eating. Trouble urinating. Trouble sleeping do to inpending doom anxiety. Breathing problems

Gagging, nausea, chills, extreme mood episodes

It really helped me sleep well, but the weight gain was too much for me.

See http://johnbokma.com/mind/quittingoxazepam.html for a complete description of my experiences.