Qulipta (atogepant) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Qulipta (atogepant)

I experienced nausea, vomiting for about 2 weeks. Then no side effects at all.

I have suffered with migraine for 50 years. I've had dozens of infusions, injections, muktiple drug cocktails, botox etc. I participated in clinical studies due to the extremety of migraine. I have tried anything; accupuncture, accupressure, facet injections, surgery, infusionsvof DHE, Solumedrol etc., all with no effect. I've been suicidal. However, last May my Dr prescribed Quilipta. She said almost no insurance covers it. I went to the website and completed the info on assistance with payment coupon. It got covered!!! I mostly forget that I have migraine. I now have a life with plans in my old age. It has saved my life...no joke. I pray that Medicare covers it for me in the future because, for now, my private drug coverage is paying for it.

I'm still taking this medication. I don't really think this drug has caused me any side effects now that more time has gone by.

I have been on Quilipta now over 2 years. I have had no further issues with any break through migraines. This drug has changed my life. I would encourage anyone suffering from migraines to give it a try.

Mild constipation, loss of appetite, trouble sleeping

It has not only stopped my migraines, but my daily headaches as well. I can deal with the side effects if I can live without head pain every day.

At first I was taking in the morning and was very tired during the early part of the day and nausea. I switched to taking it before bed. I would sleep 2-3 hours and then be awake for several hours and then be hard asleep around the time I should be getting up. I am now trying to take it at dinner time. As others have reported, started having weird, vivid dreams after I started Qulipta. Many times these lead to my waking in the middle of the night.

I have had migraines since my teens and have tried many medications and treatments over the years that ended in discouragement. My migraine frequency increased to around 14 / month. Qulipta is like a miracle. The frequency immediately dropped to around 5 / month and most can be treated with OTC meds.

I feel like I'm experience anxiety since starting. Nausea definitely on and off at times

At the beginning, upset stomach, constipation and loss of appetite. Now, further in, I've started getting an anxious feeling and heart palpitations.

I will say that within 2 days of starting, my headaches subsided and I was able to wean off of OTC meds. I've noticed a HUGE difference in the frequency and if I get one, how quickly they respond to even just tylenol!

Terrible constipation, vivid dreams that were often nightmares, a shift in sleep pattern, weird heart palpatations, feelings of hopelessness/depression

I had a four day honeymoon where I thought it was going to be my miracle drug then right back to the maxalt - but needed that at different times because my entire sleep/wake cycle was blown. Never thought I’d say this - but back to the Topamax and I can’t wait to get this molecule or whatever it is OUT of my system.

I still have chronic migraines but Qulipta has made them much less severe. My stomach gets upset quite often. Stomach pain, gassy, uncomfortable.

I don't know if my side effects outweigh the benefits. I'm yet to see. If it wasn't for Sumatriptan, I couldn't function.

Changed my life...no more migraines

Horrible, constipation!!!! Awful! I thought I was going to end up in the ER. Got depressed and severe anxiety.

Tummy upset, diarrhea every day, loose stools, tummy pain. The medicine has decreased migraines by more than half. I wish the side effects weren't so serious

My main side effect was insomnia. I would sleep for about an hour or two and the wake up and couldn't fall back to sleep. I have a generalized anxiety disorder but it is managed with very little medication. My symptoms have been amplified since taking this. Over a week with very little sleep and unusual anxiety symptoms I stopped taking it. It did help with the headaches but the side effects are just too much. I agree with another review anxiety showed be listed as a side effect.

Insomnia- since I started taking this medication I haven't had a single night of good sleep. I usually sleep for about 2 hours and then it's twist and turn the rest of the night. I take it at 7am everyday and still can't sleep at night. I feel tired in the morning and need lots of coffee to be productive during the day.

I'm starting 30mg to see if my sleep changes if not I will change medication.

Started the meditation yesterday. Was instructed to take it at night because it can cause sleepiness. Which is laughable. I think I've slept a total of 2 hours in the last 72 hours. My anxiety is through the roof, as is my blood pressure and heart rate. I’m also extremely irritable and emotional. I feel like I’m losing my mind. I can’t take one more day of this.

definitely has helped my migraines but the depression and anxiety are awful. literally cry all of time and I'm a very happy person. decided to take half of my 60 mg. so taking 30 now. I feel a little better

Caused severe depression. Unbearable depression. Thankfully once I got off this med the depression subsided. Other side effects: fatigue, weight loss, low appetite, thirst, dizziness, constipation. I will also note that I have rapidly gained back the weight I lost while on the drug and a handful more, so I'm worse off than before I started. Be careful. The depression this med can cause is scary.

Depression needs to be listed as a side effect.

Severe constipation.. but helps with IBS-D... fewer break thrus with Botox but still have migraines and then need ubrelvy which I prefer.. no side effects only take at onset of migraine. I feel down, having finger and foot cramping, brain fog. Not enjoying food but no weight loss.

I'm not sure that I'm having any. My stomach is funky ( diarrhea) but not sure if it's from the qulipta. Will see. It's a miracle drug for me. Worked within the hr. No more headaches :)

Constipation, tiredness, more on edge

This has helped tremendously, had 12-16 migraines a month -now maybe 2 a month so far, so I'll deal with the side effects-also a fibro patient so might have something to do with the emotional side I'm dealing with -but I'll try something to help with that before I think about switching-tried so many other things with no results

QULIPTA (): To prevent episodic migraines (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I was conscious and felt not only pressure but true pain. I could not move but was able to scream during the "brain freeze" part. Worst pain ever--surgical team had to hold my head down with their hands to complete the surgery. Possible follow-up vitrectomy might be necessary. Plenty of post-surgical pain almost immediately afterward. Drug was used by board-certified anesthesiologist. Am I an odd exception to the rule?

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Spaced out, anxiety, couldn't sleep, sinus pain, weakness. This was te worst I have ever felt. Even went to er. Soon as stopped using this poison. Feel 100 times better

I was taking 100 mg of Toprol XL for HBP and to "relax" the arteries in my heart. I have a muscle bridge at the LAD. My doctor switched me to 10 mg of Bystolic and at first I thought it was a Godsend. Then, I'd wake up at night with the sweats, high pulse rate and elevated BP. Cardiologist upped meds to 20 mg. Had a severe hypertensive event in the middle of the night. BP was through the roof. Chest pains. Profuse sweating. Shaking all over. Upped meds to 30 mg. Early December 2009, I was drinking a glass of cold vegetable juice and felt my heart flutter. Put my hand to chest, and my heart was going nuts. Went to emergency and was treated for Atrial Fibrillation. Upped Bystolic to 40 mg (maximum dose). Added second med to control A-Fib: 200 mg of Amiodarone. A few weeks ago, I awoke in the middle of the night with another HBP event, but this time I felt chest pain and pressure across my ribcage. Cardiologist did stress test, echo cardiogram, nuclear heart scan and angiogram. Everything normal. I workout at the gym 7 days a week. I am a vegetarian. And I really watch the sodium. Yet my BP is still unstable, and I feel like absolute crap. My cardiologist now wants to blame my BP attacks on stress and anxiety. I've had it! I'm convinced that most of my symptoms are drug related. I'm getting a referral to another cardiologist. If you've experienced anything similar, I urge you to be careful. I think that Bystolic works for some people, but long term, I think it's toxic.

Pain/cramping in the calves of my legs when walking, especially climbing small knolls. On the days I don't take this drug, there is no pain.

Had a ventricular tach. episode

depression,joint pain ,hair loss,leg cramps,weight loss,fatigue,acne,back pain,agressivness,periods changed

Being on the patch was bad enough but when I asked to be removed the withdrawal was horrible. I began to experience panic and anxiety feelings (which I haven't had for over 15 years). I actually thought I was having a nervous breakdown and contacted a psychologist. My cognitive abilities were 0 the first 2 days coming off of it. By the 6th day I was a nervous wreck and by day 7 I was normal again. Maybe the patch isn't as bad as my quack Dr. who didn't warn me enough to not freak out over the horrible withdrawals.

Pill does not work for me. I take pill but still runny nose, sneezing.