Quasense (ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Quasense (ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel)

Moodiness and sores developing on Labia

I had BOTH my daughters on this pill and they both developed canker like sores on the Labia area at 8-9 weeks after starting this pill.....just too much of a coincidence for it to not be this pill......took them off immediately....sores were painful and not worth the aggravation.

Is anyone experiencing sleep issues with this medication? I am having occasional nightmares with sleep walking, infrequently, but it is is problem. Onset at age 45 with no other precipitating causes or prescribed medications is unusual.

Burst blood vessel, which caused me to see flashing lights in my vision.

Prior to Quasense, I'd been taking Seasonale, and other birth control pills for the past 12 years, so it's hard to say that Quasense is the only culprit, but I started seeing spots/flashing lights out of the corner of my eye. I went to the eye doctor and he found a burst blood vessel, which he believed to be caused from too much estrogen in the Quasense. He said if I didn't stop taking the pills, I would likely have a stroke. He suggested that my OB/GYN might be able to recommend a different brand of pill with less estrogen, or another form of birth control.

QUASENSE (ETHINYL ESTRADIOL; LEVONORGESTREL): This combination hormone medication is used to prevent pregnancy. It contains 2 hormones: a progestin (levonorgestrel) and an estrogen (ethinyl estradiol). It works mainly by preventing the release of an egg (ovulation) during your menstrual cycle. It also makes vaginal fluid thicker to help prevent sperm from reaching an egg (fertilization) and changes the lining of the uterus (womb) to prevent attachment of a fertilized egg. If a fertilized egg does not attach to the uterus, it passes out of the body. Besides preventing pregnancy, birth control pills may make your periods more regular, decrease blood loss and painful periods, decrease your risk of ovarian cysts, and also treat acne. Using this medication does not protect you or your partner against sexually transmitted diseases (such as HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Good for pain for awhile. Get it out of your system as fast as you can.

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~Within 5 days his breathing improved dramatically and i was impressed with the results, however after 10 days his skin on his arms and legs became like sand paper and then he became hyperactive at night He is a fantastic sleeper having gone through the night from 4 months He wakes in the night banging the cot, screaming and wanting to run around, which can last for hours He seems unable to hear me and falls asleep exhausted only to sit bolt upright again minutes later I hardly recognise him Usually a passive child he bites, pinches and kicks He has Downs Syndrome and many medical problems for which he has other medication so i dont know if this is only the Singulair or a combination problem Once i read the side-effects leaflet i felt sure this drug was a cause He sees the Pead in a week so i have halved the dose until then....

Post surgery & antibiotics GI pain

Took single dose of medication,2000mg 2 hours ago. Only thing I feel is pressure in my head. Other than that, I'm fine. I think some here are not taking it with food, plenty of water. Just chug the pills down, with water and a banana.

I had the first dose in October 2020 and just got my second dose yesterday. After the first shot, I had chills in the middle of the night and did not feel well the next day. After the second shot, I feel pretty much the same as after the first shot. I had a very bad case of shingles on my face in 2013. It was the most sick I have ever been in my life. I missed more than two weeks of work and did not get my energy back for about four months. Also, the skin on my face and scalp bothered me for years afterward. I also have a permanent scar. Shingles can be very rough. I wouldn't want to get it again.

Severe mood swings, made me very irritable and depressed. Slight weight gain, SEVERE itching-my entire body itched, I must have a allergic reaction to it. My head itches, my eyelids even! Ugh!

I was happy with the results, it helped my eyes, the bulging. But after 2 weeks, after looking back my top lip started to swell, a month later it was worse, my face also got puffy. I developed headaches, ear pain, aches, stiff neck, sinus pain, hearburn and trouble breathing. Stopped it after 7 weeks, been off it for 11 days, not better. Going to take awhile I think. May end up in the ER. Do not recommend Restasis!

I have been on several SSRIs and this one seems to work the best; however, progressively I have just wanted to sleep and sleep and sleep because I am so tired. As if that is not bad enough, I have gotten to the point where I just don't really care about anything and have no motivation to do anything. I read in the comments above someone else was taking Wellbutrin along with this and that is what my doctor has recently prescribed for me. Believe me, this has made a world of difference and I actually feel better than I have in a long time and actually have some motivation. I don't know if it's the combination of the two but at least I feel alive now and not like a drug zombie.

I'm just getting started on this med but sofar this product has made a huge difference in my life. I wasn't able to sleep through the night prior to starting on it and my nose was blocked for much of the day as well. Now I'm off the claritin and breathing is effortless again.