Quartette (ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Quartette (ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel)

I don't recommend taking this at all if you have any history of depression. I lasted almost 90 days but had to discontinue use due to constant thoughts of suicide and apathy. I was genuinely concerned if I kept taking them, I would end up killing myself.

Fatigue, Nausea, Anxiety, Depression

Do NOT! I repeat DO NOT take Quartette if you have any history of depression or anxiety. I had to quit after 7 days because the anxiety was so bad, I felt like I was going to lose it. After quitting, the anxiety got worse and mild depression set in. Thankfully I am already on an antidepressant (which I believe was counteracted by the Quartette). I have a feeling depression would be way worse if I wasn't already taking meds for it. Appointment with my psychiatrist next week to get this straightened out!!!

Side Effects forquartette (ethinyl estradiol; levonorgestrel) - User Comments


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week 1 :At the beginning I felt my appetite suppressed immediately. Very tired and helped sleep Yawning a lot lol. I did feel worse before feeling better.week 2: Dazzy, relief from some anxiety and depression. Emotional numbness, which was great considering my emotions were crippling me :Dweek 3: Flattening out a bit. Medicated feeling dropping off. Some very vivid dreams. Could read a wikipedia page from my brain word for word (incredible side effect lmao a bit spooky sometimes with scary things but go with it I got through it).week 4: Felt like the medicine stopped working and symptoms appeared again so upped dosage to 40mg.week 5,6,7,8: Not much improved so upped to 60 mg.week 9-: Working very well for depression and anxiety. Sleeping a bit better. There are still days I feel rotten but then I know if I get through it a good day will come with Fluoxetine doing its work.Still get wierd feelings when trying to sleep like anxiety symptoms (can cause almost anyth

It has been wonderful for me. I am very satisfied with no sysmptoms except cough once in a while. Also, recently noticing floaters in my vision and again wondering if related.

Severe, debililtating bone and muscle pain. Neck and lower back pain. Difficulty getting out of bed. Extreme joint pain. Flu like symptoms.

Disgusting metallic taste, dry mouth, stomach pain. I took this medication about 8 years ago and had forgotten this symptoms. With just the first dose, I couldn't sleep, and the little time I could sleep I had very weird dreams and felt very anxious; I thought something aweful was about to happen.

Manic mornings after taking pill that settled down by noon. Weird electrical "zaps" in my head, light-headed feeling, gained 10-15lbs no matter how little I ate, feeling of invincibility.