Qelbree (viloxazine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Qelbree (viloxazine hydrochloride)

Depression, racing negative thoughts that prevent focusing on work.

Autistic patient of 14y. Prior to Quelbree tried Focalin - made him slightly more focused but also fixated on certain things, almost manic. Started Quelbree 100mg - nothing, may be less hyperactive. Increased to 150mg - still nothing. Increased to 200mg - some signs of improved attention. Increased to 300mg - more attention. After 1-2 months on 300mg started being more quiet than usual, depressed, talking about death and other negative thoughts, can't focus on any work due to racing negative thoughts. Reduced to 200mg - still depressed, can't focus. Reduced to 150mg - still depressed, can't focus due to racing negative thoughts. Stopped - happy again, talks, says that can control his negative thoughts, attention is poor like before Quelbree. Not for us.

I felt more depressed. Just sad. I also experienced a sensation of more anger, and irritability. I also felt tired during the day. I don't think this will work for me.

Started 1st month at 200mg then increased to 400mg. Within 12 days he came to me saying he has been wondering what the point of life is? Never had those thoughts. Stopping immediately.

Special needs child with ADHD and developmental delays, has helped in school setting with attention span for academic activities. During the first 6 months appetite was decreased and anxiety was more noticeable. Now it is much better and has been gaining be weight.works good enough in this case.

I immediately felt much less anxious, and I found my ADHD symptoms not improving so we increased the dose. The day after my dose increase, I had symptoms that caused me to dissociate, sweat, communicate oddly, and it did not even change my ADHD symptoms. It may have made them worse, and I am back to my straterra again thankfully.

My experience was probably worse than not taking anything for ADHD, regarding symptoms.

I haven't slept right in weeks and ya boy is getting thin. I'm currently weaning off! It's not worth the insurance fight. If you don't take it exactly the same time you did the day prior, you automatically feel suicidal. I miss having an appetite and wanting to live. This seems to be a common experience.

Add. Have horrible focusing and retention

Finally something that isnt narcotic and it works. I'm starting to think even better than adderall. I'm retaining information so much better than I have in a very long time.

At first, this drug was a life saver. My racing thoughts slowed down and I was able to focus. It was amazing. Then I noticed I had headaches, chest pains and the very worst was I was AGGRESSIVE, ANGRY & IRRITABLE. No one wanted to be around me.

I love that I don't have racing thoughts, but I can't be angry 24/7. I ran my husband and daughter out of the house.

Love this medication. It is very effective and yet my body is still used to Adderall. Probably most effective non stimulant medicine for add.

QELBREE (): To treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Well after reading this forum - i am highly impressed on how many people have had such a high success rate? My primary focus is for my feet for a mild/moderatae case of plantar HH. My question is can anyone tell me how many days it took for any results and the amount of milligrams they have been taking. I am hoping that someone will respond as this has somehwat destroyed my confidence. By the way, as it is the first day - my hand are already dry - but I have been taking a liquid called formalaz which does help - but wears off after four hours. This works well with my both the hands and feet - but I am more interested in the success rate for the feet. So far I have had a few reactions, but not anything I will can not handle. Again if anyone can e-mail me regarding this that would be great. Thanks for taking the time to read my post.

slight weight gain,depression,mood swings,rage,insomnia.

No side effects except leaving yucky glue that is hard to get off

I haven't started. Just got the prescription filled, but from what I've read from all your comments - I'm not touching this stuff. I'll suffer first. Catch up on my sleep at lunch hours,etc. I just don't need more problems - thank you very much.I've been trying lots of herbal ie. black cohosh. I think it helps some, have to double the dose of what the bottle says.Isn't it just wonderful what we have to look forward to in our most wonderful years of life!

My son has been on Singulair for 3 years now. He has been moody, angry, wets the bed, fights with his sisters, and is rude. His feet will itch him so bad that he wants to cry. He will say that nobody likes him and that everyone is mean to him. He will wake up crying and say that he had a bad dream. At times he will sleep walk and become aggressive if we try and put his PJ's on him. We thought he had an anger problem and were going to take him to the Dr. to see if he needed depresssion meds. I am a RN and never even thought it could be from the Singulair. I am sooooo glad that I found this site! I told my son about it and he is so happy that this could be the answer to his anger. When asked why he is angry he just tells me that he doesn't know. This med did help his Asthma but he will never take it again. I am ready to have my child back.

Headache, extreme fatigue, nausea, sweating, slurred speech, halluinations, insomnia, depression, sexual side effects, terrible anxiety.

Hair loss, low appitite, but no period yet, its been 6 months, trouble paying attention.I am only taking a half of a pill every week, my level was 99.

it did not diminish pain whatsoever. i was concerned when i saw it used to be widely abused but it's beyond me why anyone would want to take this drug. i do not usually take narcotics so i have a low tolerence for them and this provided no relief at all but felt like being in a nightmare the last time i took a dose. i would NEVER take this prescription again.

I have experienced acne, loss of appatie.

I was told to take one Bactrim DS every 12 hours. I did so, but it completely sapped my energy to the point where I could not function. I felt extremely fatigued all day, even when I got a good amount of sleep. The fatigue was accompanied by a severe brain fog that made me feel retarded and unable to think (like a zombie). I also had a general sensation of weakness throughout my body. The weakness was mild. Bactrim also made me feel nauseous and lose my appetite occasionally. The nausea and appetite loss were not constant, they were off and on.Additionally I did have some shaking/tremors during the worst of it, but I think that was my anxiety about how bad I was feeling. I have a panic/anxiety condition that is usually under control.Within days of taking this drug the burning in my prostate subsided, so it did what it was supposed to do.(I am still on Bactrim. It is day 13 now, I'm trying to decide if I'm going to tough it out in this drug or try to get a 'safer' one).