Pylera (bismuth subcitrate potassium; metronidazole; tetracycline) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Pylera (bismuth subcitrate potassium; metronidazole; tetracycline)

I'm no longer taking this medication. Update. This medication did not work for me and when I was retested for h. pylera I still had it. It took another round of 4 different antibiotics to get rid of it. The symptoms were gone after a month or so, and I'm feeling better than ever now that I don't have the bacteria anymore

I'm no longer taking this medication. I finished my treatment after 14 days and tested negative for H Pylorii a couple weeks later. The reflux persisted however and I self treated with DGL, probiotics, aloe Vera and slippery elm. I also stayed away from caffeine, citrus, and alcohol.

Pylera has terrible side effects. It did get rid of H Pylori but if there are other alternatives I would recommend that route instead.

The first 3 days were okay except for minor heart burn and lack of appetite as well as photosensitivity. Days 4 - 7 I had really bad heart burn, nausea, lack of appetite, photosensitivity. Black stools. Day 8 - 10. Photosensitivity, heart palpitations sore throat that would start almost immediately after taking the medicine, despite how much liquid I was in taking, very frequent urination, but better appetite and no heart burn, blacks stools still. Today is the first day after completing treatment and I have sore throat, irritability, diarrhea, loss of appetite, upset and constantly gurgling stomach, feeling bloated and possibly oral thrush.I am really hoping that as the days go on these symptoms go away and the H pylori has been eradicated. I cannot see myself doing another round of this treatment.

Wish I knew it was this bad. I have had numerous surgeries and been sick with all sorts of illness and this treatment is up there. Please for the love of humanity make a better treatment that does not have endless side effects.

For gut bacteria and had diarrhea

I took pylera for 10 days this affected my mental health and sleep. My body was so tired and exhausted. I had diarrhea and frequent going to the toilet and pooping so many times left me drained and weak. After the treatment I thought I would get my life back but the watery diarrhea did not go away. Then I started to have constant urge to go to toilet every hour and only few minutes I'm done and it is unbearable and I want it to stop as it now 10 days after treatment and I am still having loose stools. This is affecting my livelihood and I want it to be done. I took 1 Imodium as I can't go on like this as I thought pylera will resolve the issue.

Not sure what else to stop this as I am in the toilet constantly. Any suggestions and advice please. I need to go to the doctor it seems as this is very draining.

I am definitely experiencing some of the side effects of this medication. I have headaches, very nauseous, bloated, very drained, diarrhea, some days no appetite but I force myself to eat because it's so much medicine to take. I also have dark urine. My doctor told me that most people feel worse with the medication than without it and I'm definitely feeling it but I'm not gonna give up. I have 4 days left and I pray I can get through it !

I didn't know so many people suffered from H. Pylori. Please take in everyone's experience and work on something that is as effective but not as harsh on our bodies.

Day 1- 3 were Ok.After came: nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain (on day 5), frequent dark stools, urinary frequency, dizziness, sleepiness, fatigue, chest pressure. Tongue coated with white/ gray color.On day 10 and still today a day after ending the Rx my tongue and throat are sore and I have globus sensation( a feeling of foreign object or lump in your throat ).

Even being an RN I never thought this medication was this brutal!!!! Now I know what cancer pts go through. Awaiting the 30 days for a breath test to see if it worked......Praying it did......

Stomach burning, stomach pain, bloating, dark stool, diarrhea, headache, chills, anemia, fatigue, metallic taste in mouth, loss of appetite.

I was not Warned about any of the side effects. I'm now on day 7, Praying to make it through & to day 14 of completion.

Helicobacter pylori eradication

Thanks to everyone who's added a comment here as I was about giving up the med and I'm on day 5. The side effects I have experienced so far starting day 1: Unbearable heartburn to the extent I thought the med pierced my stomach, nausea, indigestion, pounding headache, black stool, pain in both sides of my body I guess the kidneys, feeling lightheaded due to low blood pressure I reckon (110/70), heart palpitations. What I have noticed is that these side effects are at their worst an hour before the next dose. I forced myself to drink a lot of fluids and ate as much as I could nevertheless hoping to get through to day 10. I agree with what was said here, this is the horrendous medication I've ever taken. I'm feeling a lot worse with pylera than I ever felt with pylori.Edited: I had made it through to day 10 and 4 weeks after was tested negative for H pylori.I must say that I started to feel better from day 5 of the treatment up to day 10. Having said that, the side effects of the medicine leaving my system were as bad as it entering it.

I had to repost my review because I couldn't find a way to edit it or add a comment.

Am on day 2 feel like am dying already ..anxiety ,loss of appetite,confusion,panic attacks,severe pain all over my body ,muscle pain ,itching ...bloating, burbing a lot,palpitations ,stress,shakiness.l Am going through a lot.i feel like my intestines are cut into several pieces

Helicobacter pylori eradication

Thanks to everyone who's added a comment here as I was about giving up the med and I'm on day 5.The side effects I have experienced so far starting day 1:Unbearable heartburn to the extent I thought the med pierced my stomach, nausea, indigestion, pounding headache, black stool, pain in both sides of my body I guess the kidneys, feeling lightheaded due to low blood pressure I reckon (110/70), heart palpitations.What I have noticed is that these side effects are at their worst an hour before the next dose.I forced myself to drink a lot of fluids and ate as much as I could nevertheless hoping to get through to day 10. I agree with what was said here, this is the horrendous medication I've ever taken. I'm feeling a lot worse with pylera than I ever felt with pylori.

This is the worse medicine. I had severe abdominal pain to point where I couldn't even stand up straight (started on day 9). Nausea, black stool, dark urine, unable to eat, belching, stomach making crazy noises. My dr did not pre-warn me about these awful symptoms. AND the back pain is out of this world. I wouldn't give this medication to my worse enemy.

This is really the hardest medication I've ever had. I have almost all side effects: nausea, dark urine, dark stools, fatigue, sleepiness, headache, bloating, stomach and abdominal pain, fever, cough, dry throat, confusion.On 4th and 5th day I couldn't sleep because of the abdominal pain. On day 6th I woke up with fever. It feels like I'm sick. I go to work everyday, it's hard to work with all these effects but I'm doing my best. Some days I have a lot of appetite, some I don't want to look at the food. With the days passing it's getting harder for me to swallow the pills. Three more days left I hope it kills the bacteria cuz I want to know it was worth to go through hell

Don't give up! You are not alone

Fatigue and sleepyness. Very dark urine. Abdominal pain was bearable but starting 5th day became much worse.

A little background: I'm on a Bariatric diet and am planning to undergo VSG. I found out I had h pylori by an endoscopy. I have also been taking Prilosec for heartburn.I have almost all of the side effects: nausea, headaches, disruption in sleep, stomach pain, diarrhea, bad taste in mouth, fuzzy tongue (I scrape my tongue often even before I started this med), tiredness, and just a general bad feeling overall. I've had dark urine and stools. I did eat 3 meals a day snacks and I also drank plenty of water. The side effects never went away. It definitely has affected my work and my workout schedule. I vomited on day 7 and felt terrible.Im on day 8 now and I'm so ready for this to be over. It has been challenging but I have to finish. I hope these side effects go away fast!

This drug has been horrible! Days 1-3 were ok, Day 4 I started noticing black stools, very unusual colored dark urine, lots of burping, headache, abdominal pain, extreme stomach bloating, very bad nausea and so incredibly hungry. Days 5-7 I thought I was going to just die. I'm ready to start Day 8 and pray to God to pull me through another day to not quite. I have 3 more days to hit Day 10. This is without a doubt the hardest and most horrible drug I've ever taken. But I'm hopefully that outweighing the risk vs benefit will aid in eradicating H. Pylori. Good to luck to all who have to take this, those who didn't get any bad side effects, you are blessed and lucky and to those like myself who just can't bare the horrid side effects, keep doing what you can …. It's not easy and I hope I can pull through. Just awful!

Thanks to everyone that posted your reactions to Pylera. It helped me to read your comments and know that it wasn't just my "sensitive" body reacting to this medication :-). This is a difficult eradication treatment for H.Pylori. My response to the Pylera treatment went from mild to severe. The first symptom to show up was dark stool that eventually went away. By day 10, I routinely experienced nausea, diarrhea, upset stomach, abdominal pain, interrupted sleep, discoloration of tongue with discomfort, slight changes in taste, numbness in left foot, vaginal discharge, and frequent urination that could have been from me drinking large quantiles of water. On day 10, I went to the emergency room because I was having so much discomfort. I completed the 10days but it took a lot of PRAYER. I'm wondering how long it takes for this medication to completely leave my body. I'm waiting to take my breathe test and I pray that this medication eradicated my H.Pylori. I encourage everyone to

Pylera is an arduous eradication treatment program

I am writing this because messages like these helped me get through this awful antibiotic. It will get better. You will feel better. Don’t panic and don’t give up. Keep taking your meds and don’t skip. I felt everything described here - dizziness, heart palpitations, globus (lump in your throat), diarrhea that looks like coffee stools, chills, extreme fatigue so much so that I couldn’t pick up my head, nausea, white furry tongue, anxiety. I lost 25 lbs since this is all started. Day 4-6 - THE WORST. Days 7-8 so far, bearable. We will see what Day 9-10 are like.

What I learned is I must eat and drink a lot of water. Eating is so hard so I planned out a daily diet to follow even when I just wanted to sleep. Wake up - oatmeal pack with 3/4 cup pea-based liquid (Ripple) and honey all blended so my throat didn’t bother me. 250 calories. Medicine. Eat popsicle 40 calories or apple juice 100 calories. Wait 2 hours. Drink Kefir with honey 150 calories. Blend 1 container applesauce, banana and 1/2 cup ripple. 250 calories. Drink cold so that it soothes your throat. Medicine. Popsicle and or apple juice. Wait 2 hours. Kefir followed by the banana smoothie again right before the medicine. Medicine. Popsicle and chamomile tea. Chamomile tea helps with globus because it reduces the inflammation in your throat and also helps with sleep and an upset stomach. This puts me above 1000 calories a day. It’s sooo hard to eat, it’s a chore, but it helps prevent the nausea and dizziness I felt. Or at least keeps it mild and bearable. Good luck to you - you can do it. I hope you feel better soon too.

Very slight stomachache and loose black stools.

Just writing to let people know it's not that bad for everybody.

I'm on day 5 and I feel like quitting. Metallic taste, stiff neck, headaches, I have running stomach despite the fact that I'm taking probiotics, dizzy, confusion, frequent urination, kidney pain on both sides, black stool, dark urine, extreme hunger, insomnia, agitation, swollen abdomen which is very painful. I feel worse than when I started the meds. I wish I had read all the reviews before starting the meds because you need to be mentally prepared. You can't function properly at work. My doctor instructed me to take them every 6 hours 4 times a day.. Never ever in my life have I felt so horrible in my body. For a moment I thot the drug was going to kill me. But when I read these reviews it gave me the strength to carry on. I haven't finished the regimen but hopefully I will complete the treatment. Good luck to you because you're going to need it.

Extreme nausea, bloated, fatigue, brain fog, shakiness, heart palpitations, loose dark stools, metallic taste, stomach tightness, malaise.

I'm on day 9 & this drug is by far the worst drug I've ever taken, anyone dealing with this I seriously pray for you, this course of meds won't be easy but stick to it DON'T stop, everything will eventually get better, I feel like sh*t & don't know how long the medication will stay in my system but I'm praying tomorrow will be better. Sn: drink apple juice to take away the metallic taste with meds, AVOID DAIRY, drink plenty of water & stay prayed up. It's a very rough 10 days

PYLERA (BISMUTH SUBCITRATE POTASSIUM; METRONIDAZOLE; TETRACYCLINE): This combination medication is used with an acid blocker (e.g., a proton pump inhibitor such as omeprazole). It is used to treat stomach/intestinal ulcers caused by the bacteria H. pylori and to prevent the ulcers from returning. Each capsule contains 3 medications: bismuth subcitrate, metronidazole, and tetracycline. Bismuth subcitrate is often used to treat upset stomach, but it is used in this combination to help stop the growth of bacteria. Metronidazole and tetracycline are antibiotics used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections. They work by stopping the growth of bacteria. This product treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. This product is not recommended for use in children. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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It may work for some, but it DID NOT work for me.

None. People if you have stomach pain you are sensative to asprine. They make asprin free excedrine.

teeth grinding, aggression, not listening, mood swings, tantrums, complete melt downs and unable to calm down for up to 20 mins. hitting, biting

Fire!!!! This product set vagina and vulva on fire! Worse that the YI! My poor husband had to watch me dash around the house clutching my vagina as I hurried to get on a bath. I will NEVER use this again! I tried Monistat 3 cream before and it was much better. And also, coconut oil was working well too before I inserted this little devil.

Took Vioxx Before and got rash. i00 mg. of Celebrex works for me w/no rash. Doesn't take away all pain, but is manageable.

I had been on benadryl for about my third day. Took it around 11pm and woke up around 1 am feeling like I could not breathe. I was shaking all over and could hardly catch my breath. I had to focus on breathing slowly as I drove myself to the ER. I shook all over and had a rapid heart and elevated BP for about 3 hours. I was given xanax and told to NEVER take benadryl again.The xanax helped as did drinking lots of water to flush the benadryl out. I looked pale but finally made it through, exhausted!

Bloating, sore nipples (one week since taking provera) sore and enlarged breasts 2weeks since taking provera, weight gain 1-5lbs, metallic mouth taste, increased sense of smell, frequent urination, flank and abdominal pain, gas, active bowels (rumbling tummy and gas) no diarrhea.

I took carbamazepine to treat my relatively mild temporal lobe epilepsy from 1995 until 2011. I cannot say I had any bad side affects. I lead a completely "normal" life. My concentration and memory were never good (but not bad either) but at least my seizures (petit mal) became less and less over the years. I think the drug really helped me.

I was on beta blocker for nine months. Disaster. During this time I did nothing but sit in a chair and gain weight. Cozaar has been much better. It helps on the blood pressure (just took reading of 115/65), and there is no impact on libido or erectile function.

weight gain, loss of interest in sex, calm and less easily angered