Pseudoephedrine hcl (pseudoephedrine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Pseudoephedrine hcl (pseudoephedrine hydrochloride)

Wakefulness,nervousness, decreased appetite, need to urinate more often.

I have a stash of this from when it was easily obtainable.I only use when I have a severe cold. It dries my sinuses and helps me get through the workday. This might sound odd, but I'd like to know if other men have had the following side effect: When I have taken it, and I have a bowel movement I sometimes ejaculate a pretty fair amount of semen as I push. No orgasm, just a flow of semen. Anyone else experience this? Thanks

This is the form they carried at the pharmacy after the old "Sudafed Sinus and Allergy" disappeared from the shelves. I really needed the extra antihistamine that the allergy version had, and switching to regular old Sudafed was a challenge. Nonetheless, I managed on this version of Sudafed for a few years before deciding to go cold-turkey. After reading some things that warn about using Sudafed long-term, I've switched to chlorpheniramine maleate (the trusty antihistamine from the old Sudafed).

I take the a 12 hour pill in the morning. I can not sleep if I take a 24hr pill. It really help me deal with sinus pressure.

This works for me. I have bad reaction to all the antihistamines I have tried to date(I have tried them all). When the pollens are bad I will take Benadryl 4 hour tab to reduce the pressure and plan a nap. This is what works best for me. I have tried new products, I still get bad side effects. The name of the commercial product I use is call "ENTEX LA"(Canada) my Dr. gave it to me 30 years ago and I still use it as needed.

Side Effects forpseudoephedrine hcl (pseudoephedrine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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have never been on meds for this before but have tryed hipnosis which was good and hepled but with incresed stress and bad break up symtoms returned. have tryed a herbal form of meds from health store which i felt worked much better. kinda feel docs are too quick to prescribe meds without hearing all the story.

Became so expensive, went to generic pill form.

I just went through a major problem with Allegra so wasn't dwelling on the Zocor we just started, but I did stop it for awhile since last week just in case it was the zocor and not the allegra pushing my pressure up 100 points. I became sure that problem was the allegra after talking to docs and reading this site. BUT my husband is dizzy and has severe leg aches, already needs two knee relacements but says this is different and WORSE ! Now that I think of it, I've had bad muscle twinges in my arm and upper back and severe foot cramping. WE were on lipitor for years, didn't seem to do this. I can hardly believe I could be having a problem with another NEW MED IN THE SAME WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All this because BLue Cross tripled the price of my former meds which were Zyrtec for allergies (Not horrible Allegra) and Lipitor ( not horrible Zocor) I will, no matter the cost, return to these better meds.

honestly i would recommend this medication to anyone who is going through serious bipolar episodes. on a whole, this medication has saved my life. when i do get depressed, it doesn't get that bad and i snap out of it very fast. one trouble is that i never get into a very happy mood state... i stay at a pretty constant monotone interspersed with mild depression. even so, it has been worth it over the past year because it has helped me recognize my emotions and my reactions to things due to being able to observe myself instead of just instantly reacting to everything. this will help me immensely once i stop taking the drug. even though i've listed so many side-effects, they are somewhat mild and have been tolerable up to this point. i am going to talk to my doctor soon about trying to come off of it, though, because i am tired of the side-effects now. still, once again, i do recommend this drug. i did not gain any weight, lose my hair, or get a rash and never felt so drugged out that i c

Headache, confusion, stomach problems. Just felt sick on it!

Rapid heart beat and high blood pressure

Didn't do anything except make me sleep all the time and cause my muscles to twitch and jerk.

Occasional dizzeyness, tinites in both ears, low heart rate, fall asleep w/o warning.

Overall concerta works great! I just moved from 36 to 56 and I think it is too much I may go back to 36. I now mainly depend on it for weight loss beacuse of the two major side effects, loss of appetite, and amount of energy and motivation. I depend on it if I am tired and I am going to busy doing something where I need to be awake. I used to take it to make my mood better but I now am feeling it worsen because of the pill. When it wares off I get depressed.

Weight gain only in my stomach! Dulling of all emotions and humor, made me lifeless and shaky in my hands,blurred my vision, blocked effect of stimulants (Adderall) Very powerful stuff.