Pseudoephedrine hcl and chlorpheniramine maleate (chlorpheniramine maleate; pseudoephedrine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Pseudoephedrine hcl and chlorpheniramine maleate (chlorpheniramine maleate; pseudoephedrine hydrochloride)

I used to take this every night for my post-nasal drip, until they stopped carrying it and you could only get plain pseudoephedrine at the pharmacy. This product worked really well and prevented the stomach full of mucous that would make me sick every morning. Pseudoephedrine alone does not work for me as I have allergies. I've since switched to taking a nightly dose of chlorpheniramine maleate, and it makes my allergies manageable.

Side Effects forpseudoephedrine hcl and chlorpheniramine maleate (chlorpheniramine maleate; pseudoephedrine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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This drug made me immune and unable to have proper reasoning. Sexual side effects are terrible. First lower sex drive, inability to have an orgasm during sex, then complete impotence! even 4 weeks after stopping the drug completely...I really hope it will all return to normal.

Different doses seem to have different side effects

I thought my experience was bad,but reading some other peoples problems, mine don't seem as bad.I guess these are all you can take when you're allergic to penicillin

Bled constantly for 7month then they slowly fizzled out bad cramps weight gain 3stone tingling sensation in skin aches and pains all over no sex drive hair loss on head and towards the end I got hair growth on face lost weight at the end also no motivation and depression made worse and anxiety and inching in virginal area and discharge

Side effects vary. have had hot flashes, tiredness or just an overwhelming need to just close my eyes, out of it, dizziness

I was beginning to think hormones were to blame....not sure if I'm relieved or not! I've always had extremely thick hair, no longer the case. It comes out in handfulls when I shower and I've stopped blow drying to help minimize the loss.

Skelaxin is the worse drug I’ve ever taken. I took 400 MG. for two days, the third day I woke up and couldn’t get out of bed, walk, or go to the bathroom or anyplace else without my husbands help, my hands, arms, and legs shook like someone who had a severe case of Parkinson’s disease. He called the doctor’s office right away, explained the problems I was having and took me to his office as fast as he could. The doctor did some blood work, checked me out and told us that he would call when he found out something. We went directly home from his office because I was dizzy wanted to lay down. We were only home for about an half hour when the doctors office called and told my husband to get me to the hospital’s ER room as soon as possible, as my electrolytes were dangerously out of whack. When I arrived at the ER, right away they started hooking me up to an IV. I was in the hospital’s ER. for 2 days before they let me go home. It took me about 3 weeks and 2 doctors visits before I was able to get around by myself. I will never take that drug again for as long as I live.

I have experienced weight gain even though I have decreased my calorie consumption and resumed exercising. Since I've been on coumadin I've gained 10 pounds in two months. I have stomach pains and feel constantly bloated. I've also noticed that I have been experiencing thinning hair loss.

Weight gain (12lbs); lethargy; carb/sugar cravings; weakened short-term memory

I was diagnosed with Having PVCs and PACs come to find out I had high Cholesterol Which in turn caused 100 hundred percent blockage in my right coronary artery! I have been taking anti-acids of and on for over 20 years could never figure out where the pvcs were coming from ! Well I stoped taking anything but tums ! Low and behold pvc and pac have damn near gone away ! Doctors don't care the did not find out I had a heart attack util they did a mri of my heart and a and found scar tissue Then they ran a heart cath this took them over three years after years of complaining something was not right !