Protopic (tacrolimus) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Protopic (tacrolimus)

Burning at application site, sensitivity to sun

After years of having eczema on other parts of my body, I got it around my eyes and on my eyelids. I tried all kinds of things on my own, including steroid cream meant for other areas of the body, never the face. Finally broke down and saw a doctor who gave me Protopic. When I get a flare up Protopic gets it under control quickly. Very $$$ however!

PROTOPIC (TACROLIMUS): This form of tacrolimus is used on the skin to treat a skin condition called eczema (atopic dermatitis) in patients who have not responded well to (or should not use) other eczema medications. Eczema is an allergic-type condition that causes red, irritated, and itchy skin. This drug works by weakening the skin's defense (immune) system, thereby decreasing the allergic reaction and relieving the eczema. Tacrolimus belongs to a class of drugs known as topical calcineurin inhibitors (TCIs). This medication is not recommended if you have a history of a certain rare genetic disorder (Netherton's syndrome). Also, this medication should not be used by anyone who has a weakened immune system (e.g., following an organ transplant). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I used for 6 months And I stopped one week ago side effects didn't go away still I lost libido I'm not interested anymore in sex plus weak erection I'm so sad and I have depression because of Minoxidil ruined my life

It took about 4 weeks to kick in, but when it did, it was the best I've felt in years. Unfortunately, I'll have weeks where I'm void of feeling and emotion, along with the good weeks. I guess it's better than the alternative of having a void week and then having a suicidal week, though. In regards to cigarettes, THIS IS INCREDIBLE. I stopped having urges 4 days in, even though I smoked all 4 of those days. For my sexual dysfunction, however, it did absolutely nothing. Doctor thinks SD might be unrelated to depression, though, so take that as you will.

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Taking the generic. Day 42 I noticed water tasted a little salty. Day 44 I got a constant taste of salt in my mouth and most food tastes bad. Eggs and nuts are the only proteins I can stand to eat. I am so glad I found this website. I asked my doctor if I was experienceing side effects of this medicaiton and I was told no. When I asked the pharmacist today if this were a possibility, he immediately said "yes". I've noticed significant hair loss the last couple of days as well. I wanted to be able to wear sandals. I have seen no change on my little toe. For the first time in five years I have new growth that is clear on my big toe. I'd sure like to know how to prevent the fungus from spreading again. I can live with the fungus but I cannot live with the side effects. I'm done with this medication!


My dad was taking for memory loss.

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