Proquin xr (ciprofloxacin hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Proquin xr (ciprofloxacin hydrochloride)

freakin UTI I took this drug in 1997 before all the major black box warnings came out for severe irreversible tendon rupture, CNS damage, and heart problems. IT RUINED MY HEALTH AND LIFE FOREVER. I have basically been rotting in a room for the past 2 decades severely ill and waiting to die. Multiple tendon ruptures, 10/10 pain 24/7, my life is a nonstop real world nightmare, something you can't even imagine in your worst of dreams. I cannot wait for death and I don't see myself being alive much longer. I hope someone one day bombs Bayer headquarters as justice to all of us suffering for the rest of our lives. While these despicable pharmaceutical businessmen become millionaires and billionaires off the lives and blood of our suffering...I am on disability, unemployed, bedbound, in constant torturous agony. ROT IN HELL BAYER

I took this horrific poison before all the black box labels and warnings, and before you could easily look anything you want up on the internet. Unfortunately the other brands of fluoroquinolones are just as horribly toxic. DON'T TAKE ANY OF THEM!

Side Effects forproquin xr (ciprofloxacin hydrochloride) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Night sweats -- especially during my period. Itchy palms. Occasional dizziness. No other side effects to speak of.

I stopped taking after 5 days instead of 7

Twenty hours after taking the monthly pill for the first time, I had severe fever, vomiting and diarhea. The vomiting and diarhea did not stop until I went to the emergency room for saline and two injections of a medication to stop vomiting.

I took this to stop smoking, but had giant red, itchy welts on my stomach. Doctor told me they were better then smoking and to keep taking it. I could not deal with it. Took a week and a half for welts to go away after I got off it.

It seemed to work well but I feel uncomfortable as it contains small amount of steroids and long term may be more harmful, eg rare side effects blindness, I don't want to take the risk. Think I'll switch back to salbutamol.

Constipation, lower sex drive.

Dry mouth, less sleep per night

Severe allergic reaction, totally dehydrated should have gone to A&E but drank gallons of water. Unable to eat for three weeks due to burnt mouth etc. Still have muscle and joint pain all over body,several months on. PURE POISON !!


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