Propranolol hydrochloride (propranolol hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Propranolol hydrochloride (propranolol hydrochloride)

dizziness nausea fatigue no motivation.loss of appetite

i was supposed to take 4 a day but only took 2. thank god i did the prescription of this drug should be more controlled it as more negatives than positives

Side Effects forpropranolol hydrochloride (propranolol hydrochloride) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Mostly I absolutely loved this pill. Have been on it for almost 3 years now and haven't gotten pregnant yet (yea! Knock on wood). Periods evened out and became EXTREMELY light and EXTREMELY predictable. However, sometimes I would miss my period all together, which is fine and dandy unless you are having sex and all of the sudden are freaked out about the absense of your period and therefore the possibility of pregnancy. I think I would rather just get my period every month and know I'm not pregnant than not getting it...but it is still nice to not have to deal with it all the time.

Only took the medication at night before going to bed. Helped me to sleep, but caused severe constipation such that it added to my cramping from the D & C and sometimes made the pain unbearable. Also, left me with headaches every morning after taking the medicine. I am now on my 6th day of taking it and have a severe migraine today.If suggested to take this medication again, I will decline; especially after a D & C due to the additional cramping from constipation.

Broke out in a red rash all over face, caused dehydration, dry mouth and confusion

horrible stomach cramps, chest pain

Dizziness and a vertigo feeling when lying down overnight and opening my eyes at times after resting. Slight headache one day after completing medicine. Occasional lightheadness.

The only good thing about this medicine is that lately i have been getting many compliments on my skin.other than that i have been experiencing awful side effects:i can't stop eating, i get very nauseaus, i'm extremely cranky/depressed- even my boyfriend says i'm not acting the same, and my first period on the pill was AWFUL, the worst cramps i've ever had and i couldn't stop crying for no reason.I will probably stop taking this pill soon.

Terrible confusion, weakness, hallucinations, difficulty in walking. Every.time I suggest that this drug is causing problems, the neurologists deny it. It is their answer to everything. I also discovered how much neurologists get from their conferences connected with drug companies. It was so discouraging to see the money they make on a drug that is causing more problems for the people who are already suffering.

This drug is pure POISON!!! It destroyed my life so fast I didn't even know what was happening to me. Of course the doctors never told me how bad this drug was, how insidious. I lost my life to Xanax and am now off of it but the damage has been done..literally, the damage has been done to my nervous system and my body is trying to heal. It takes so long. Do not even be tempted with this drug unless you are into playing Russian Roulette. Believe me when I say, the pre-existing anxiety I had was a cakewalk compared to the terrors of the Xanax experience.

turns smart to dumb, sexual to asexual, motivated to vegetative, it's pure hell.

YAZ: Within ONE hour: cold tingles in hands, numb arm, trouble breathing, PANIC ATTACKS, felt out of control of my body, anxiety beyond control, extremely scary experience!