Propranolol hcl intensol (propranolol hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Propranolol hcl intensol (propranolol hydrochloride)

It helped my tremors and migraines. However the weight gain was unbelievable. 30 pounds in 6 mos.

Hoping to discontinue this or at least get dosage reduced.

Side Effects forpropranolol hcl intensol (propranolol hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Time used for a colonoscopy and colon biopsies

I am actually on Ortho-Novum 7/7/7-28 but it wasn't an option to select that specific pill. I love this pill. I have been on Ortho Tri Cyclen, Ortho Tri Cyclen-Lo, Ortho Evra ( the patch ) as well. Both Ortho Tri Cyclen pills caused me to gain some weight ( about 10lbs each time ) although they both made me extremely moody. Bonus was my naturally small breasts grew to a lovely full B cup. Out of what I thought was going to be convenience, I switched to the patch. That was a mistake for me. It often folded over in the middle of the patch and stuck together over the course of a few days, it collected lint from clothing so I had that annoying 'band-aid' fuzz, stuck around it and on really hot days when I got sweaty, it would literally slowly slide down from where I had it stuck ( I generally placed it on my bum or pelvic area so it was easier to hide. I didn't want to broadcast to everyone I was on BC by wearing it on my arm ) My gyno put me on Ortho-Novum 7/7/7-28 and my usual 6-8 day H

I take 2,000 mg per day and my triglyceride levels typically measure in the 35 to 50 range.

I am very happy about losing 13lbs in the 1st month. I pray the side effects will go away!

I take a low-dose narcotic for chronic pain, and it has made me constipated. Let me tell you, I had a horrible experience with this Miralax. I went to my pain management doctor a week before my wedding date and said that I felt horrible, and I didn't want to be constipated for my wedding. So he suggested this "Miralax." No result for 4 days, and then 2 days before my wedding, I began having horrible, explosive diarrhea. I stopped the Miralax, but my diarrhea was unrelenting. On my wedding day, I was still suffering, but I thought I'd be OK aside from just gas. The most embarrassing thing that has every happened in my life transpired: I went the bathroom (pooped) myself as I was walking down the aisle. I thought it was going to be a silent gas release (a fart), but it was obviously more.

Prescribed due to progesterone levels being low during pregnancy. I'm not real surprised by this diagnosis since I've rarely ever had a regular cycle. (Only one year when I had a roommate who ran like clockwork pulled me onto hers.)It has intensified all the pregnancy related things I've been feeling for the past 10 weeks. I'm hoping my levels go up around week 12 and I can discontinue this med.

I had the worst experience with this drug. I already have anxiety but I can usually semi manage it. Not even 5 minutes after this was inserted into my IV, I freaked out. I got extremely hot, sweating, shaky. I went into a full anxiety attack. Went to the bathroom to splash my face and catch my breath from under my mask, it didn't help. I asked my nurse if I could get some fresh air and even that did not feel like enough. Had to get a shot for anxiety cause I could not calm down. After the shot, I felt a lot better. I would not recommend this for anyone who has anxiety. I literally felt like the walls were closing in on me and I was gonna die.

I was prescribed Bentyl for IBS & after taking it for a couple of days I thought it was a miracle drug, my daily nausea caused by IBS was gone! A couple days later I noticed pain in my upper abdominal area that kept getting worse. I never had pain like this before taking Bentyl. 2 weeks into the course of meds the pain was so bad I was contemplating going to the ER bc I thought I may have a stomach ulcer or gallstones. I went back to the doctor & was reassured this medication would not cause this side effect & was told to continue taking it. I REFUSED....all my lab tests came back normal & since stopping Bentyl I haven't had the agonizing stomach pain since. My IBS nausea was more bearable than the pain that Bentyl caused, I would never touch this drug again!!!

I read these comments to my BF and he is happy to have me get off it. I hope these side effects go away quick, it's been a tough 3 yrs! Weight is hard to lose, and I'm tired of always being tired and angry all the time. I used to be so positive and sweet. I will post up again in a few weeks to see if I feel better.

used for 14 days for fluid in one ear.After using it fluid level increased in that ear and the other ear also got filled with fluid.Use with caution