Propoxyphene napsylate and acetaminophen (acetaminophen; propoxyphene napsylate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Propoxyphene napsylate and acetaminophen (acetaminophen; propoxyphene napsylate)

I had been taking Percocet 5's after my (MAJOR) shoulder surgery and was doing quite well. Started physical therapy 4 weeks after surgery and was then put on darvocet. Doc stated "it would get me through physical therapy and i shouldn't hurt much" well I call B.S. It was like taking a glorified tylenol. So I then went and read up on darvocet and it's pretty much a placebo drug. Something to make your mind think your not in pain. This is nothing more then 800 mg's of tylenol.

Pain after maxilary sinus surgery

Because I had been under general anesthesia in the morning I am not sure this drug caused the headache. I took one tablet of propoxyphene napsylate/ Acetaminophen 100/625 before leaving the surgery center and another 3-4 hours later as pain in the surgical area increased. The pain was reduced in about 20 minutes. Then I tried to sleep and dozed off and on for about an hour, when I became aware of fairly strong headache above my eyes so I couldn't sleep. Headache has lessened but not gone away after another hour or so.

Drowsiness but that's what I wanted. The pain was keeping me from sleeping.

I had some weird version of the flu. Had an intense pulsing sinus headache which intensify every 10 seconds. I hadn't had a full night of sleep in about 3 days. These tabs helped immensely. The pain went away and I slept soundly although I was up 4 hours later almost on the dot and would need another dose.

Side Effects forpropoxyphene napsylate and acetaminophen (acetaminophen; propoxyphene napsylate) - User Comments


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Fortunately, none of the painful muscle effects I have read in the other postings....some constipation, but unexplained weight gain of 20 POUNDS!!!!This totally SUCKS!! I have been a healthy person who works out (not a fanatic, but I always try to keep reasonably fit, 3-4 times per week),non-smoker, healthy eater, I normally dont drink b/c I don't want the extra "empty"calories. No matter what I do, I can't drop a single ounce. I may be able to get 4-5 lbs off, comes right back on. I even tried Jenny Craig, same thing. I have had other testing done & my rmr (resting metabolic rate) is above average. On the JC diet, they start you off at 1200 calories. I never made it past that level & lost 6 lbs that came right back on. I did the diet for at least 3-4m onths. MY workout program includes cardio-kickboxing, low weights, walking, and other cardio. I also feel like my muscles are not firming up like they should...I read in a previous post that the muscles just

I take the 160 mg. dose. I am going to ask my doctor if a lower dosage might help with the headaches, but not cause the insomnia.

Works great with no side effects which I can’t say about any SSRI I’ve tried. For me much better then several SSRIs, Buspar, aglomelstine, and gabapentin.

This drug made me violently ill. I had severe stomach pains, diarrhea, nausea and headaches. This drug is very expensive and I feel that I wasted a lot of money on it.

anorgasmia, Insomnia, restlessness, daytime fatigue, weight gain, dry mouth, constipation, nicotine craving, hypomania

Horrible nausea; stomach cramping; lower back pain; bloating; headache; projectile vomiting before finishing half the container

First dose in left arm. Likely only dose. No other known ailments at time of injection. No other vaccines taken that day or in months. Got as preventative upon turning 50.

Constant burping and nausea for the first few weeks, but it eventually went away. Slight weight loss. Increase in sex drive.

Ovulated while on this drug, sizeable corpus luteum cyst, shoulder pain, fatigue

I do experience rapid heartbeat, increased energy, dry mouth, mood swings (between elation and anger!) but no trouble sleeping.