Propofol (propofol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Propofol (propofol)

Side Effects forpropofol (propofol) - User Comments


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nothing, other than puts me to sleep

Did not help my Bipolar 1 condition.

I have not had a period since having a baby 7.5 months ago. That kind of makes me nervous, but as someone else said, when taken correctly it is reliable. I felt depressed, like most of the other breast-feeding mothers, but having a baby does cause a big change in hormones. If they come off the med and feel better fine, but if you think about it, maybe it is PPD? My depression had NOTHING to do with Micronor. I am having trouble losing my baby weight, but who knows if it that is even related. I am starting to get a little acne, but who knows it could be my period finally coming! I'm not pregnant, and any side effects are very mild. All in all I'd recommend.

birth control, regular periods

I have been taking for almost a year. I started with 150 and I am now on 300. Ive been on the higher dose for about 4months.I really feel better overall. Much happier and great sex drive! I am still waiting for the weight loss thing to kick in (any day now- please:) I have over the last couple of weeks had a problem with dizziness followed by a headache. I am wondering if this could be realated to the Wellbutrin even though I have been on it for so long?? Anyone else experience dizziness after awhile? I take it now in the morning, but I am thinking about changing to bedtime to maybe avoid some of the dizziness- to see if that works. Please any advice???

I have thought this is a wonder drug for the past 2 years, but just found this site and realized that the side effects listed have been happening to my son. Over the past two years he has not been able to concentrate and listen very well, has had episodes of mood swings, an itchy penis, dry skin. He seemed to be growing out of these things, so I thought it was a maturity issue, but the Dr. just increased his dose and it all the side effects came back in full force. I took him off of it for 5 days and noticed all the side effects went away. Use caution and test this medicine.

my side effects are probably caused by the toxins in the inactive ingredients! FD&C blue No. 2 SODIUM LAURYL SUFATE ( A CORROSIVE) and sugar. are the pharmacies companies trying to kill us slowly!!!!!!

It did work well. Problems were a day after I was done taking medications.

For the last 11 months I was on 400mg of this. I left stressfull job so my bp dropped to normal range. This is when side effects exploded. I had noticed a few small ones along the way but three days after quiting they took off. In 2 weeks time I went from feeling great to the point I actually thought I was on the edge of insanity. I had to go to my new carto doctor to get something done. He cut my Toprol in half for now and most symptoms stoped in 2 days. Some still are hanging in there but getting better very slowly. I wrote this to inform every one. 2 years of this medicine, 2 years of side effects, 1 heart attack, 4 hospital testing stays, 3 heart caths, 2 stents, 1 internal med doctor, 2 carto doctors, 1 neuro doctor, 3 PA 's, 6 months cart thrpy, and the last 11 months on pure hell,and not one of the so called experts caught it or really gave a damn. You would think they look at your records and meds and catch these things. Mine did not. All of this stared when an PA looked in

Fatigue in the afternoons and concentration loss. Twitchiness as I am about to fall asleep. Drink coffee to counteract this. I sleep like a baby at night. I have been taking 300mg every night for the last 15 years and have not had a single seizure during this time. I am competative skydiver and have done long distance swimming too. I battle with conversations at times and as I often forget what I wanted to say. I have very vivid dreams. I wondering if it is time reduce the dosage or experiment with other anti-epileptic drugs?