Propantheline bromide (propantheline bromide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Propantheline bromide (propantheline bromide)

i was prescribed 15mg 3 x daily. I took the first pill at 7am on an empty stomach. 1 hr later I found it impossible to eat a slice of toast without gulping tea to help me swallow. The dry mouth was vile. I didn't take another pill but remarkably stayed dry! I'm on day 3 & have found by taking pill 1 hr after food I have no side effects. I'm managing on 15mg daily. Totally life changing!

AMAZING! I can't believe I am dry! I had severe HH on feet and hands since age of 4. I had ETS Surgery 17 years ago which made the HH a million times worse. A couple of months after surgery I was severely sweating on back, legs, groin, feet, under breasts. I hated socialising and felt suicidal at times.

PROPANTHELINE BROMIDE (PROPANTHELINE BROMIDE): Propantheline is used with other medications to treat peptic ulcers. It works by decreasing the release of acid in the stomach. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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This medication has saved my life. I stopped it briefly in the fall because my moods were under control and I want to get pregnant and the ob did not want me on any meds. I was off for almost 4 months. That was the worst thing I could have done, I went into the same depression I was in. I'm on a lower dose now than before and I'm doing well. I take 50mg in am, 50 mg in pm. At this dose I still have slight mood swings, but they are not to the degree they were before.

Took 50mg at 10pm last night. Slept good, but woke up groggy. Its 3pm and I've got a bad headache, really tired, my neck hurts and dry mouth. Headache is a 6 or 7 on pain scaleI'm afraid to take any tonight, don't want this headache to get any worse.

Joint pain everywhere - even my thumbs, nausea, severe neck pain that prevented me from raising my head

I tried 5mg (half a tablet) on the first night and did not sleep at all. I had a paradoxical reaction to it and had racing anxiety and irritability. I felt very irritable and anxious the next day.My GP advised me to take a full 10mg the next night. I had visual hallucinations (seeing everything in triple) and stayed awake the entire night, with racing anxiety.I had an adverse reaction to this medication.I was not taking any other medications at the time.

depression, severe tiredness, pounding headache, weight gain even though loss of appetite

Went to the doctors yesterday with muscle pain complaints and pain in my ribs I have been having these pains for over a month. An xray shows I have a broken rib. I have not fallen or been in an accident so how did I get this broken rib? I am also on Lipitor (have been for over 5 years) and my doctor wants me to stop the Lipitor thinking this is what is causing the muscle pain. Does not think Actonel has anything to do with my issues. After reading these comments, I am stopping Actonel immediately

This is a powerful drug that should never be given to anyone without explainning all possible effects. Not everyone reacts the same way to the same drug. A doctor can kill you trying o help you.

hand on scales are slowly dropping!!!!!!!!!

my mother in law age 80 alzheimers

when taking meds a prescribed do not have obbessive thought as much and do not have urge to purge