Propafenone hcl (propafenone hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Propafenone hcl (propafenone hydrochloride)

uncontrollable shaking, body and skin cold, gas, distended stomach, flushing, confusion

for me a terrible drug. along with a-fib I have lung issues. This drug only added to them and added the other side effects I experienced. Was only on for around 10 days, went from the 3 a day prescribed, down to 2 a day, then 1 a day, and still couldn't deal with the side effects.

Still Occasional shortness of breath and light headedness. Otherwise It has been ok in keeping me in sinus. Loss of weight is a side effect or not is my most concern and big question.

My experience and rating is 4.5 out of 5

It hasn't cured anything but it may be helpful.

PROPAFENONE HCL (PROPAFENONE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat certain types of serious (possibly fatal) irregular heartbeat (such as paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia and atrial fibrillation). It is used to restore normal heart rhythm and maintain a regular, steady heartbeat. Propafenone is known as an anti-arrhythmic drug. It works by blocking the activity of certain electrical signals in the heart that can cause an irregular heartbeat. Treating an irregular heartbeat can decrease the risk for blood clots, and this effect can reduce your risk of heart attack or stroke. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

This drug made me feel terrible.

Bilateral Osteonecrosis (Hips), face swelling, vivid dreams, pronounced hair growth, extreme irritability.

Nausea, hot flashes, extreme anger (especially with my boyfriend), weird psychological episodes, weight gain (about 15 lbs), fatigue, lack of motivation, some acne episodes, a general overall feeling on 'unwell'. Basically, not feeling like myself.

This drug is "evil', devils drug. Over prescribed due to years of over prescribing Opiates. This drug is actually a anti- convulsant. Went up to 300mg 2 times a day .Forget to take 1 dose like a night time dose, and you wake up broken the next morning after being wracked by horrific nightmares, You feel like the world is ending and you will never feel normal again, tearful depressed and the worst is you dont know why this is happening to you, my wife then checks my pill box and only when i see evidence that i did not take meds the night before can i comprehend it will get better. Only after taking your meds do you feel better, 12 hrs later. So yes Withdrawals kick in soon .Unfortunately it is the only drug that takes the edge off Neuropathy in my feet, but it is a horrible drug. With help of my neuro i am now down to 150mg / 2 times a day

I had appendicitis and had the appendix removed... the next day after surgery my back was so twisted. I sweated so much that I soaked though the blankets and I felt like I had a hose run over me. I could not use the bathroom because my back arched so much that I couldnt sit down to go. It was not till I passed out that they finally figured out what was wrong. I felt better 10 seconds after getting the other medication... It is so scary though and now that I work around it I sometimes wonder if will happen to someone else while I am there. The fact that they use it on infants scares me and I sometimes wonder what the Dr. is thinking.

My original diagnosis in 1997 was depression. In September of 2007 I fell and broke both bones in my left forearm and dislocated my elbow. While taking pain medication for a few days noticed that all my body pain, that I had attributed to my numerous depression medications, was gone! I was referred to a pain specialist who perscriber Lyrica. It made me so dizzy that I had to stop it after the first day for fear that I would fall and damage my arm further. Started Lyrica again, in addition to physical therapy in 2008. Finally quit both due to severe diahrea. After an upper- and lower-GI and colonoscopy, the Gastrointerologist gave me some med that stopped the diahrea within 3 days (had it for 8 months). I still have a severe stomach ache and cannot eat until early evening. Have also had an IVU that led to a hyda scan, both negative for liver and gallbladder problems, then a uterine biopsy for possible cancer (negative). It's been a year and a half and still living in constant pain. Did go back to the Pain Specialist who now recommends EXERCISE for fibro! Too bad that I am too sick to do anything! Eyesight problems, pain throughout body, paranoia, afraid to leave house, perception and focus issues that inhibit me from driving unless I absolutely have to (food and doctor appts). Issues with heat and can barely mow my lawn, etc. Facial tics and limb jerks. Sleeping issues. You name it! I wish I would have known what I was getting into before I began any of the drugs..

I started having mood swings within a couple of days after taking this medicine (although I did not recognize it at the time), and the effects became very noticeable by 6 days in with extremes of despair, anxiety, and depression. If you take this medicine have a close friend or spouse monitor your condition carefully!

Memory loss, cognitive deficiency, hair loss

Fever, chills, dry heaving, lower back pain, intense abdominal pain (very sharp), loss of appetite, trouble sleeping, headache, yellowing of the white of my eyes, face was red like a sunburn and slightly swollen, tightness of chest, developed a dry cough that hurt deep in chest, fatigue, muscle/joint pains- my jaw was very tender & sore, my ankles were swollen, overall entire body was sore feeling, light headedness/faint.

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