Promethazine with codeine (codeine phosphate; promethazine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Promethazine with codeine (codeine phosphate; promethazine hydrochloride)

Severe headacheDizzinessTirednessDecreased urination

This stuff is dangerous really is. Be cautious and don't over do it. I took 15 ml both nights before bed and nicked me out like a light to sleep and had no coughing but on the second morning when I had awoke I had THE worst migraine (never had one in my life) it lasted for several hours and was so excruciating I could not move hardly. It was my body withdrawing from the codeine. Sketchy sketchy

I almost went into a liver over dose failure. After 2 days of taking this medicine I couldn't walk. My motor skills shut down. I hallucinated. I tremored. I've never been more scared in my life.

I had tried this medicine prior with great results. Maybe twice a year for 5 years. I'd feel a cold coming on and would take a couple of teaspoons and it coated my throat nicely and the sore throat was gone. However this last weekend with such severe flu symptoms I kept taking the medicine for the 3 times per day maximum allowed. After 2 days of this I had acute liver failure. Half of my body I couldn't control. I would fall down without any ability to control my body. I fell down so badly -- uncontrollably -- that I almost busted my head open against the edge of a step. This is the scariest thing that has ever happened to me. Please DO NOT ever take more than the recommended dosage. You will be sorry. I feel thankful to be alive!

Side Effects forpromethazine with codeine (codeine phosphate; promethazine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Broke out in hives! Lips, tongue ands throat swelled up. .ended up in ER. 6 days after I quit taking this drug I'm still itching everywhere. My ears burn, my throat is sore. .worst itching I've ever had. ..haven't had a good night's sleep in a week

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Upon increasing dose from 50mg to 75 mg nightly began experiencing sleep walking, hallucinations, insomnia followed by very deep sleep. Would fall asleep on toilet and awake falling off. Fell asleep on sink and husband found me. One night I fried 2 eggs, burnt them,fried some scrambled eggs, tho I realized I was in a drugged state I did not have control of my actions. very scary; i could have burned the house down. I went back to 50 mg with no problems. It may not have been the Elavil by itself as I am also on Lyrica, Methadone, percocet, valium, and vicodin. However, the side effects I mentioned above did not occur until Elavil was added to my drug treatment to try to ease the chronic pain of arachnoiditis--neurological pain from numerous back surgeries, spinal cord stimulator implant and revisions, etc. My pain mgt doc thought the elavil would help the increased leg/back pain at night that comes from the arachnoiditis and felt it would help with the nerve ending pain. This pa

Unbearable pain in my legs and feet. Chronic fatigue. Back pain. Head aches. I got sick a week ago and did not take my meds for a week and I've had more energy in the last 5 days than in the last several years. I not taking it again. Had a blood pressure check today and it was 139/70. Good enough for me😙

I didn't gain any weight at all and I did not have any mood swings, if anything it made me feel more balanced emotionally. The only problem I have with it is that I started getting acne on my chest.. which I never did before. I switched to this off of another BC to give me lighter periods, which it definitely did. I sometimes only have it 2 days. My libido stayed the same and didn't have any 'dryness' at all. My doctor gave me enough for a year so I can't really change now. Other than the acne I'm overall happy with it.

i don't recall any side effects with OTC or Tri-Sprintec.TRINESSA messed me up!no appetite,suicidal,depressed,uncontrollable crying,anger.i was determined to call for psych help/rx first thing this morning. before i got to it, i googled trinessa and realized that it had to be the culprit.thanks to everyone for the comments that allow others to realize YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

sleepy, irritable, angry, can't think clearly, illogical thoughts

While I complain about it, this drug has staved off any additional tumors so far and I now have achieved NED (except for a tiny, tiny "maybe" in my spine). Wouldn't stop taking it despite the effects (which are being managed by celebrex, neurontin, ambien, etc.)

Moderate left-sided upper quadrant and stomach pain

At first I couldn't concentrate and my grades were very bad, now I get A's and B's all the time. I play sports and I feel pretty normal, I don't know if I will change my dose much when I start to get older but, so far so good. I haven't had any side effects but, If I see some I will talk to my Doctor for sure before changing anything.