Promethazine plain (promethazine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Promethazine plain (promethazine hydrochloride)

Side Effects forpromethazine plain (promethazine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Weight gain, dry mouth, tiredness, constipation, brief lightheadedness when getting up from seated position, strange dreams. No other side effects noticed!

experimenting on my own now after reading more about this.raising doses to 15, perhaps 20 to see if I get any noticable differences.former spouse has a MS in Med Tech and is most familiar with test results-may be my new sounding board--need to be able to work again. former college wrestler and was in very good shape till 40 when this all started--wrecked my life too--nasty disease.

The main side effect is the HORRIBLE taste it leaves in my mouth.The tv ad does mention it leaving a taste, but I had no idea it was that bad.Drinking water was nasty, drinking anything was nasty. I thought about using it as a diet aid, because anything you eat tastes horrible, so you avoid eating.

I read other peoples comments about this drug before beginning treatment, and it made me very skeptical. I'm very happy that I went through with receiving the injections, however. I have gone four months without having any discomfort related to my endometriosis. My symptoms are also VERY minimal. The first few weeks were hard, just with adjusting to the new med. I had frequent headaches and an increase in stomach cramping. But after that, I've never felt better. I have a hot flash every once in a while. In the last four months I've probably only had a handful of them. My appetite had increased, and I've gained a few pounds, but I've been able to control it with regular exercise, so it isn't concerning to me. Overall I've responded extremely well, and I'm so glad that I took the chance on this medication. I know there are so many negative comments about Lupron, but every individual person is going to respond differently. My advice is to at least try it. I decided to give it a try even when I was worried about all the potential complications, and I'm so happy that I did.

I call it the quickening, when I have a migraine and I find myself laying in the basement, lights out, blinds shut, praying to god. I take the Imitrex and wait for it to kick in, within 20 minutes....wham it hits in the space of 5 seconds, the migrain is gone and I am back to normal. This drug is the only thing that works, all the others take forever to kick in and only provide minor relief. they could charge $1000 a pill and I would buy it.

This drug started working right away. I have had problems with my knees for 3 years and never out of pain. I had a stroke that affects the nerve pathways giving the perception of pain on my left side. That is gone too. Also my depression is gone. I am no longer irritable or sad. I feel like myself again after what seems like forever. I know not each drug is for everyone but for me this has been better than anything for me!

Taking 400mg/24hrs solpadol and it just about holds back the pain. I dont care about withdrawal - I will happily deal with that once the pain has finally gone.I do worry about how high the dose will need to go when major surgery is undertaken

nausia, light-headed, and groggy

I've taken it off and on for about 3 years now. I stopped it when I found out I was pregnant and didn't take it until I had a severe case of postpartum depression. I am now stopping it because I've run out of medication and work has switched my insurance company/doctors, so I've decided to stop again. Everytime I've decided to stop, it's been at least a week of HORRIBLE WITHDRAWAL EFFECTS: dizziness, numbness in my face, and my heart feels like it's skipping. Avoid this medication... it is addicting for the mere fact that you hate dealing with the withdrawal symptoms!

For now, the pros outweight the cons. Sex is still good, but I miss having "normal" sexual sensations.