Promethazine hydrochloride and codeine phosphate (codeine phosphate; promethazine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Promethazine hydrochloride and codeine phosphate (codeine phosphate; promethazine hydrochloride)

Very slight numbness of throat

Pointless medication... Maybe its just a fluke?

Side Effects forpromethazine hydrochloride and codeine phosphate (codeine phosphate; promethazine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Major ANXIETY that wouldn't let up for 2 hrs

headaches, breast tenderness, weight gain, extreme mood swings, depression, lack of interest

Chronic Sciatica and post surgical

I previously have taken Lipitor and Prevachol with the same side effects, although it took Crestor 8 months to start affecting me this way. I have stopped taking it and I assume when I tell my doctor she will try another one on me.

I'm really pleased with this medication. I've tried practically everything and it just felt wrong. Wellbutrin XL's side effects were mostly temporary and really worth working through. Now I just feel normal instead of medicated and/or depressed.

Used to treat initial itch and rash from taking Telaprevir. I found it effective, but it eventually wore off and nothing worked. It's mainly the fault of Telaprevir, so I'd say this drug was very effective.If you are undergoing Hep-C treatment and have questions, please contact me.

I took Lyrica for back pain; however, a friend advised me that this drug was approved by the FDA for Fibromyalia.The recommended dose was 350 mg to 450 mg.I was in a full blown fibro situation and I was non-functional. In just a few days my fibro was checking up. I am still dealing with a few fibro problem areas in my hands but I was able to spend 3 days out doing shopping and socializing and I would not have been able to do all that I did about 10 days ago. I have a doc appt tomorrow and I can not wait to tell her how I am doing. I think FDA got it right this time.For additional info, check out the fibro web sit. Just type fibromyalia and you will find several sites. The first one gives the info on Lyrica.

Chest pain put down to stress and extreme physical and mental fatigue. Little or no effect on blood pressure anyway.

Rated it a 4 because NOTHING else worked...can go a week or longer without pooping but have decided to take one day a week since I need hours out of the day to empty my bowels after taking one pill. When I was taking it every day, it was extremely bothersome, even it was only water being ejected after nothing else left to come out. Have had IBS-C for 30 years or more. Back then it was diagnosed as "spastic colon."