Promethazine dm (dextromethorphan hydrobromide; promethazine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Promethazine dm (dextromethorphan hydrobromide; promethazine hydrochloride)

Felt slight drowsiness for the first day or two but it could have been because I was at my sickest. It really helped control my cough. I have a very weak stomach but I was able to take this without any problems. I usually have dizziness as a side effect with other medications but was ok while taking this one.

Side Effects forpromethazine dm (dextromethorphan hydrobromide; promethazine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Itching all over my body. I've had to itch my ears and head all the way down to the bottom of my legs. My arms, legs, and stomach are the worst! I have been itching non stop for 2 days now. Benadryl won't even help with it!! Someone at work asked me if something has changed because I was acting hyper. Having a hard time falling asleep.

Side effects are too much to endure for the benefit. Needless to say, I stopped taking this drug.

sleepy after taking it, and when It was increased for me to 10mgs I had RLS really bad. Other then that no side effects.

I have been getting swelling of the lips. very weird because I haven't had this before. Is this a side effect of Nexium/PPI's? has anyone else had swelling of the lips? it looks like I got punched or something... I looked in the mirror and thought of the Rocky balboa movies...


Ear - upper respitory infection

This drug needs to be taken off the market immediately

The side effects of Effexor suck and I have to deal with them everyday but the benefits of it make it worth it. This has really helped me manage my depression which had become unbearable. In the past I had problems with opiate addiction and Effexor seemed to really "click" with my brain the same way opiates did and the good feeling from Effexor is similar to the good feelings from opiates. I had always had a lot of pain and other symptoms of fibromyalgia even though my doctor had never wanted to officially diagnose me with it and Effexor improved them as well. The side effects are pretty lousy ones but to finally be pain free and feeling very happy make them tolerable. Even though I had been off opiates for 2 years I still had a longing and craving for them and that went away completely with the Effexor as well.

After having a terrible 4yr battle with debilitating fatigue, joint pain, muscle weekness, neuropathy, you name it and I suffered from it, I finally found a doctor whom discovered I was positive for certain antibodies and suspected that I had Lupus. I later became pregnant with my son and I was terrified knowing the condition of my health... The further along I became, the better I felt as odd as it sounds. It seemed that my sickness went into remission. I had my energy back and my body didnt hurt half as bad. It was great. My son was born 5wks early and the hospital encouraged me to breastfeed. I still felt better while nursing until I stopped producing milk after about 6wks and all of my symptoms came back tenfold. Obviously there must have been certain horomones that played a role in my remission. I was baffled. I was referred to a Rheumatologist a few wks ago and he ordered another blood test. My blood results showed the presence of antibodies ( ANA, Histone autoabs, U1RNP autoabs, Rheum abs). Amongst other findings my neutrofils where low, lymphocytes where high, and eosinofils where high. Also, the tourniquet was left on my arm the entire time and thats usually a no no when checking blood for certain things because it can cause inaccurate results. He said little about my results other than diagnosing lupus. I have had alot of symptoms of Sjogrens syndrome as well and severe dry skin all over, dry mouth, and dry eyes are just to name a few. I was eager to start whatever

This pills are evil! I have stopped taking them after just 3 doses. I didn't know what was wrong with me, I woke up feeling utterly hopeless and depressed, my limbs felt heavy and I had a really bad funny turn and nearly passed out.