Prochlorperazine (prochlorperazine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Prochlorperazine (prochlorperazine)

I'm ok if I take it before 6pm. If I take it any later I wake up in the middle of the night having had vivid and extremely violent nightmares. Also a seriously dry mouth. It definitely helped ease nausea and meant and didn't vomit.

vertigo from vestibular migraines

Horrible realistic dreamsalso throat was so irritated it woke me up

Heart palpatations & dizziness shaking & nausea

It really helped with my dizzy spell (prescribed for an ear infection) but through the entire course of me taking the medication I have had really realistic upsetting nightmares - ranging from dreams about nearly being murdered to experiencing a haunting/demonic attachment.

For positional vertigo and sickness

Horrific real deep nightmares after a couple of days

Have taken for two days, helped the dizziness and nausea but I'm going to have to stop them because of the vivid real dreams especially the feeling of having a mouth full of something foul.

having a cold and pain in the ear

Severe headache in the middle of the head and in the front, dizziness, nausea, anorexia and difficulty in vision

I was suffering from cold and inflammation in the inner ear and it caused me in the presence of dizziness and nausea. When the doctor wrote to me, this medicine did not suit me, but my condition worsened. I felt a lot of dizziness, nausea and lack of vision.

Terrifying multi-sensorial waking nightmares.

I was given Stemetil in hospital for nausea following antibiotic treatment for a uterine infection. I experienced vivid hallucinations that had a 3-d quality, ie, the sense of smell and touch was very intense.

PROCHLORPERAZINE (PROCHLORPERAZINE): This medication is used to treat severe nausea and vomiting from certain causes (for example, after surgery or cancer treatment). Prochlorperazine belongs to a class of drugs known as phenothiazines. This medication is not recommended for use in children younger than 2 years or in children going through surgery. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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made me horribly depressed and withdrawn from others

Maybe a metallic taste once in awhile. No weight gain.... sleep like a baby.

Zoloft saved my life from moody depression. I was re-traumatized with severe ptsd and I have a mood-disorder from terrible hormones. No bad side effects.

i have not had an attack!! yipee! but i am blind, fat, greasy, and bloody. boo!!

Seems to work well on controlling my anxiety without the emotional compression I get from SSRIs. In addition, w/ 50-100mg at night it is the first drug I have ever taken for sleep that didn't stop working after two weeks. I feel like I have much more control in my life. My only complaint is that it doesn't work completely consistently, but I gather that that is because I am more stressed some nights than others. In that case I just take 50mg more and fall asleep.

Started this after a reaction to Sporanox. Also take Zyrtec concurrently for seasonal allergies, so wonder if that suppressed other reactions. It did seem to help the fungal rash, but will stop taking it since the threat of more severe side effects scares me.

No side effects until several months after starting. At first the symptoms were subtle but at about 7 months I started noticing that my legs were so stiff after sitting that I could hardly walk when I stood up. This got progressively worse. Also my endurance decreased during exercise at the gym. Finally I started experiencing the strangest sensations of a skin sensitivity on the right side of my body. The way your skin hurts to the touch when you have a fever with the flu, my upper thigh and groin area and lower right side of my abdomen felt so weird, it got worse everyday.I went to the oncologist and he told me to go off for 1 month.

My GP and a respiratory specialist were totally unable to diagnose the problem. I tried stopping each med I was taking, some allergy/asthma stuff and Lipitor. All the symptoms largely disappeared after two days off Lipitor. Took months for lingering effects to clear completely.Anyone taking Lipitor and showing any undiagnosed symptoms, should be taken off Lipitor for awhile as a test.