Proair hfa (albuterol sulfate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Proair hfa (albuterol sulfate)

Heart racing for a few mins after taking, but that is very common with albuterol.

Stops my wheezing and allows me to breathe better.

I've got bronchitis. This inhaler has helped stop my wheezing and along with some cough medicine has made me feel a lot better. I'm supposed to take two puffs every 6 hours for ten days. I haven't really noticed any side effects, except for a slight headache that lasted maybe an hour the first time or two I took it. I'm just happy to be able to breathe properly again!

Trembling, Tachycardia, headache, nervousness/anxiety

So far this works for my particular use. Doc prescribed for an as needed basis when my allergies flare up and I start wheezing. It does give me a headache and shortly after inhaling my heart starts pounding like crazy and my hands tremble. Sometimes it feels like it makes my chest tighten up more, but for the most part it does its job. I just don't like the pounding heart and the tremors.

The only side effects I have are 1) my left hand shakes a little bit for about an hour, and 2) I've developed a wheezing sound when I breathe occasionally--not often, maybe 3 or 4 times a week for 5-15 minutes--but I never did any wheezing before. Also, I just take 1 puff instead of 2 (the insert says 1 is ok). When I was taking 2, it made my heart race; 1 doesn't.

This has been a wonderful drug for me. I'm very sensitive to medicines and usually get some bad side effects, but this has caused almost no problems. And it really helps my breathing. Tried Symbicort and Spiriva (not rescue inhalers like ProAir), but they didn't help. I only take 1 puff of ProAir instead of the 2 recommended (the insert says you can just take 1) and it helps a lot. I use it 1-4 times daily.

This worked fine for my acute asthma attacks (as opposed to MaxAir, which made them worse).

ProAir worked fine for me (albuterol sulfate). MaxAir actually made my breathing worse.

Today is my first time taking this drug. I normally do not suffer from asthma but do have severe allergies & this season in my area has been dreadful. Anyway, my doc gives me this Rx & I have to say it works, however, I notice that I feel like I am on speed and not sure if I will sleep tonight. However, to be able to breathe again after 7 days of being in attack-hey I didn't know what it was. :-) I'll take this speed like feeling over the way I felt previously.

Although I like this inhaler I hope it doesn't become part of my daily life as I am not a person who likes to take drugs.

PROAIR HFA (ALBUTEROL SULFATE): Albuterol (also known as salbutamol) is used to prevent and treat wheezing and shortness of breath caused by breathing problems (such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). It is also used to prevent asthma brought on by exercise. It is a quick-relief drug. Albuterol belongs to a class of drugs known as bronchodilators. It works in the airways by opening breathing passages and relaxing muscles. Controlling symptoms of breathing problems can decrease time lost from work or school. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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regulate periods, cramps,b-control

Excessive sweating, feeling ill and whole body shakes.

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I took this antibiotic once in jan and finished my second course last Friday...first course I didn't feel right..put it down too infection and slight side effect...been backwards n forwards too doc in the last 2 weeks...honestly thought something was seriously wrong with me...went too doc this morning cos still dont feel right...ended yo in A&E last saturday...extreme dizziness...twitching...muscle aches..ringing in the ears ..sweating...headaches...fatigue..hallucinations..endless symptoms....this second course has completely knocked me for 6...spoke and hes put it down too these horrific tablets and noted I'm not too be prescribed them again...I asked when will these affects go and hes told me in the next 2 or 3 days...I pray they do never have I experienced a reaction too antibiotics like these before never will I go near these again