Primatene mist (epinephrine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Primatene mist (epinephrine)

Polysorbate 80 is in the new primatene mist. is it safe to use?

PRIMATENE MIST (EPINEPHRINE): This medication is used in emergencies to treat very serious allergic reactions to insect stings/bites, foods, drugs, or other substances. Epinephrine acts quickly to improve breathing, stimulate the heart, raise a dropping blood pressure, reverse hives, and reduce swelling of the face, lips, and throat. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

I had my tonsils removed in Dec '04, and by the time I healed, I noticed I had severe post-nasal drip that I never seemed to have before. I asked my ear-nose-throat doctor about it and she insisted I be tested for allergies. I found out I'm very allergic to all weeds, grasses, trees, dust, molds, basically everything but animals. However, my ONLY allergy symptom was post-nasal drip, which I still to this day suspect had more to do with healing after the tonsillectomy. This is where the run-around started... I was told to try Claritin, which made me extrememly depressed AND I had such terrible symptoms that I thought I was pregnant and had IBS. Next, I was given Allegra samples. They reduced my PND somewhat, so I thought it was the best option at the time. Then I was given Zyrtec samples for comparison. They only worked as well as the Allegra, but made me too sleepy to function at work. So the doctor convinced me to fill an Allegra prescription. I paid all this money (even WITH insurance) and took 28 pills (one every morning) before I realized that it gave me way too many bad side effects to make it worth my while. Now I have $100 worth of useless Allegra pills, AND I have developed hives since I stopped taking them. I get hives about four or five times a week now, never had them before. I tried Benadryl, it made me too tired. I tried guaifenesin, made the PND worse. I have stopped taking any sort of allergy medication and, ironically, I feel better NOW than before.

Taking Ambien CR. Memory loss. Irritable, very. Have been taking since Sept '06. Not working well now. For the last several months, I cannot fall asleep for a couple hours after taking pill. Switched last night to Lunesta 2mg. Not happy right now, didn't sleep but a couple hours last night, and my leftover Amb CR is staring me in the face, "TAKE ME!!"

Feeling very dopey and unbalanced, at times having concentrating, frequent urination, diarrhea, slight weight loss, increased loss of appetite and lots of nausea.

I'm glad I haven't experienced any weight gain or nausea, and my breasts look significantly larger which is great! On the other hand, I'm praying that these acne break outs on my face, neck, and back go away because I never break out and it really sucks. Also, it upsets me that I can't get as wet for sex as I used to... Lube has become a staple in our sex life, and I hate that. Hopefully that will subside within time as well.... Anyone else break out at first or have decreased libido? Does that go away within time? Please let me know....

Stomach cramps,intestinal pain, headache, lightheadedness/dizzy. Vomiting. I have to take this to empty my stomach do to GP. I wish I would have a better alternative. Rather take this then reglan.

Though the side effects are sometimes unpleasant, I will take them over the pain of dealing with a UC flare. About a week before I am scheduled for a dose, I start to feel a flare coming on, so I am always grateful when infusion day rolls around. I have heard that allergic reactions can increase/become more severe with several doses, so that does worry me as I have had mild reactions in the past and I am always worried that it will be worse the next time around. I do take Benadryl and Tylenol before the infusion starts in order to minimize the risk.

Severe neck/shoulder/pain, achiness, acid reflux

slight weight gain, increase in appetite, breast enlargement.

Initially I was very nauseated (3 days). Now, I have extreme hunger and weight gain

It certainly does what it promises. Nice erection pretty much on demand for 3.5 days (sometimes even when inappropriate!). The nausea is fixed with a Somac tablet. The back pain is one of those annoying things that is a bit of a downer. Ibuprofen takes the edge off it and makes it possible to sleep.It never seizes to amaze me what we are willing to do our bodies in the name of sex. And that is from somebody who makes bondage gear for a living. :)