Prepopik (citric acid; magnesium oxide; sodium picosulfate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Prepopik (citric acid; magnesium oxide; sodium picosulfate)

Works as described. Explosive diarrhea for a few hours. It's somewhat better than the other stuff I took to prep for colonoscopy.

PREPOPIK (CITRIC ACID; MAGNESIUM OXIDE; SODIUM PICOSULFATE): Sodium picosulfate/magnesium oxide/citric acid solution is used to clean out the intestines before surgery or certain procedures (such as colonoscopy, X-rays). It is a laxative that works by drawing large amounts of water into your intestines and stimulating the colon. This causes watery bowel movements (diarrhea). Clearing stool from the intestines helps your doctor to better examine the inside of your colon. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Does not work very well. Takes forever to work if it does work at all. Was prescribed 1 or 2 .5mg as needed. That dosage did nothing. This drug only works (for me) when taking a higher dosage, and still not very usefull in sleeping.

Not a wonder drug for me, stops working after awhile, i went thru a bad time last year my father died suddenly of cancer ,it helped a lot when i took it for the 1 st 6 months, now i take it with Lamictal,

so far i really have had a great experience. i worried about it a lot after reading all of this but i started taking it anyway because i couldnt stand the bleeding another day and i have been really glad so far, as long as this period stops in a timely manner i will continue to be happy. sex is great!! i must have really needed this drug.

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