Premasol 6% in plastic container (amino acids) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Premasol 6% in plastic container (amino acids)

its slimy. It stinks and doesn't do a darned thing.

Expensive. Total waste of money

Side Effects forpremasol 6% in plastic container (amino acids) - User Comments


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I took Zyban for 6 days and I am finished with it!! I'd rather go through quitting cold turkey than deal with the nasty side effects. I do have a friend who is doing great on it though so I suppose it depends on the patient. Definitely NOT FOR ME !!!

My RA has not displayed the tradition symptoms only 3 joints inflamed at a time in an asymmetrical pattern, right ankle, both or either knee(s) (right wrist sometimes and left middle finger). All blood levels become normal after taking the medication for 3 months(RA factor, ESR, (ANA has never been a problem)). I still have pain, for the first 1/2 hour after waking and the occassional flare. With 600 mg of Advil daily, prescribed by my doctor, I can function walk, climb stairs, swim, dance.

Husband took Namenda for several years, I do think is slowed the process and he had a few "good" years because of it. Now in advanced stages it does not work anymore.

10 lb wt gain, migraines(extreme), jitteriness, dizziness, and INSOMNIA! Would not recommend to anyone!!!!

decreased sex drive, weight gain, terrible withdrawal symptoms if you forget a day

Due to sexual side effects, I stopped taking it after less than a month. My bladder was only waking me up once a night anyway...:)

Vertigo, daily head aches, chest pains

Stomach pain, sleepiness, agitation, increased depression, weight loss.

In Canada, Flagyl 500 mg is available as capsules as well as pills. Well worth the extra cost.

I was Diagnosed with PCOS about a month ago because I have cystic ovaries. My male hormones are at a normal level and I am not diabetic. So I am wondering if I really have this?! I am pregnant now and the gestational age is almost 8 weeks. But last week I had an ultrasound and the sac measured only 4.5 weeks. I hope that this is because I ovulated late. In any case, they checked my hormone levels and it seems that they are rising but not doubling as they should be so they gave me a script for Prometrium (100MG two time/day). I see the Dr. tomorrow. My biggest concern is that taking this supplement will harm the baby, particularly if it is a boy. If anyone knows anything about this please email me at [email protected]