Pregabalin (pregabalin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Pregabalin (pregabalin)

I am so grateful for this medication being available in a affordable Generic form. I was on 4000mg of Gabapentin prior and it was not very effective other than inducing mind fog. Pregabalin has improved my quality of life

Undiagnosed Sciatica like pain

Took it only for 2 days. The side effect was so prominent, I had to stop it. First day - Woke up feeling hung over, body temperature was elevated to 37.4C, mouth and throat were super dry, felt chills 6 PM the next day, the symptoms magically disappeared. Had another dose, woke up with same symptoms again, by evening had dry eyes and a quarter of my eye was red. Decided to not take this drug again, stopped immediately.

Nausea, suicidal, hot & cold flashes, gastro, deep depression, anxiety, insomnia.

Might be helpful for nerve pain in end of life pain management, but do not take it ever if you are offered as a younger person. Look for natural alternatives.

Fibromyalgia, neck spinal cord pain,

Extreme fatigue,insomnia,heart palpitations, memory loss,cognitive problems, wide spread body aches, urinary dysfunction.

I'm a Veteran,my prescriptions are mailed. In July my prescription was delayed for over 2 weeks. Military snafu. The involuntary cold Turkey withdrawal from 300 mg a day was so extreme I thought I was dying. I could barely get out of bed to use the bathroom. My body shook so violently I felt like I was coming apart. All I could do was pray. I could barely speak, my mind couldn't formulate thoughts. When I could "think" I couldn't find the words ... it's impossible to describe. But I know how I DON'T WANT TO DIE now!! I let my doctors @the VA know I was out of my prescription- they didn't seem concerned. I was scared to death, literally. I'd manage to get off the couch, stand up, only to come to on the floor.I told all of this to my doctor 3 weeks after going cold Turkey.I didn't want to start Lyrica again. However, the VA has no opioid policy. You can only get tylenol unless you're in surgery or the recovery room. Now I'm back on it having all the side effects- my depression has hit an ALL time high and my life seems meaningless, I can't see the future. I exist hour to hour, day to day, struggling to find some resemblance of my past self.After reading the article- at least now I know why I feel this way.

PREGABALIN (PREGABALIN): This medication is used to treat pain caused by nerve damage due to diabetes or shingles (herpes zoster) infection. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I believe this medicine is affecting my predisposition for depression. I have had some challenging life circumstances lately, and I am only taking Premarin for six weeks; hopefully I am in my last week. My emotions are very affected, I feel depressed and unable to engage in work or other activities to my utmost. So I hope that this course of treatment works to make my cervix more accessible and I can quit this stuff!

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Over all I notice this helping with my fibromyalgia pain. So the side affects are worth it to me. I like the loss of appetite part. I am on 60 mg a day.

allergic reaction hives and swellin

Hair loss, weight gain, depression, night sweats, joint and bone pain, acne, insomnia, dizziness at times, extreme fatigue, and headaches.

Extreme fatigue, could hardly walk around, wanted to sleep all day and night, muscles soreness, chills, scratched my lower legs and ankles due to itching, nausea, 99.5 Temp (started after two doses.


I was very lightheaded, dizzy, nauseous to the point of not being able to eat. Extreme nervousness and anxiety And always on edge.

Worst pain in my life! Feels like im starving but can't eat because I'm so sick. This is my last dose - not per medical advice, but because I need sleep!