Prednisolone acetate (prednisolone acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Prednisolone acetate (prednisolone acetate)

Hyperactivity, agression, increased urine output, facial edema.

PREDNISOLONE ACETATE (PREDNISOLONE ACETATE): This medication is used to treat certain eye conditions due to inflammation or injury. Prednisolone works by relieving symptoms such as swelling, redness, and itching. It belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

Took this drug for approx. 30 days. Was admitted to hospital due to pain and weakness in legs, feet, arms and hands. Numbness in the extremities. Hospital ran all types of test. As of today can not resolve problems. Extreme pain. Can't walk without falling down.

Day 1: Felt high as a kite. I was very restless & anxious and had difficulty sleeping. Day 2: Still felt high & unable to function. Extreme anxiety. Day 3: Not as high, but more like the feeling of being down from a high, but "under the influence". Extreme anxiety. Day 3-6: Feeling stoned. Brain fog. Unable to carry on a normal conversation. Feel more depressed than before the meds. Feeling of complete deadness inside, severe anhedonia, anxiety not as bad, but isolated panic episodes. (Anxiety was not a problem before wellbutrin) Not feeling "right" or " normal". Crying a lot. Day 7: Cannot continue this medication. A lot of people on forums say it will get better, but I cannot live or function another day feeling like this. My depression doesn't seem so bad now after feeling like I felt after 6 days on Wellbutrin. I do think that my experience is not typical though.

Severe weight gain (75 pounds) decreased sex drive, mood swings, depression, no period and fatigue.

I started to have reactions the second day on Bactrim. I called my doctor and he told me it sounded like the flu, or bronchitis getting worse, and to continue the Bactrim. I continued to have sever to worsening effects until I looked up the side effects online. It felt like waves coming over me. I had chills, sweats, pain in my arms, heaviness in my arms, buzzing in my head, chest pains, indigestion, nausea, headaches, neck pain. I also had tingling all over my body, and numbness in my fingers. I felt like I was having a heart attack.

I take 40 mg a day and don't wish to take more due to the horror stories and moodiness. I have to say it does work and helps me function(even though I still have pain, it makes life bearable). I take a 5 mg oxycodone for breakthrough if pain isn't alleviated by the contin. I was on every single possible pain med 6 weeks in hospital and this one worked way better than any other. I would recommend not increasing dosage...if I can survive with 40 mg with half of my bones broken in my body so can you. Be smart and cautious people. Works for pain...period. You jackasses that abuse it make it difficult for chronic pain sufferers. Go drink a beer or smoke a doobie and lay off the pharmaceuticals.

drowsiness, mental fog, high as a kite

Initially none. After 6 months many, severe anxiety, shortness of breath, dizziness, trouble concentrating, increased depression...

Nausea, loss of appetite ,dizzy blurred vision ,light halos

Anxiety, confused, forgetful, 25 lb. weight gain in 11/2 years, peripheral neuropathy, horrible horrible insomnia, dry mouth 24/7, dry eyes, double vision.

This is a FANTASTIC medication. The best cough syrup I have EVER used and I have tried everything. I get bronchitis several times a year and also have asthma so this is prescribed to me every couple months. Works almost immediatly, you can actually feel it start to work in as little as 10 minutes. I noticed some people say it makes then sleepy but it gives me almost unstopable energy and a feeling of euphoria. Makes you feel like you can do anything. I can clean my entire house on 1 teaspoon of this stuff! I have no trouble going to work on this medication or driving. If anything it just makes me more productive. It also masks any other sniffle or pain you may be having. You just feel great! However, yes you must be careful as this is extremly addictive because when taking it you feel so happy and nothing bothers you that you never want the feeling to go away. It's very easy to continue using this medication even if you don't need it.