Prazosin hcl (prazosin hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Prazosin hcl (prazosin hydrochloride)

Definitely helps me sleep and reduces anxiety. Hoping side effects will diminish over time.

Terrible! made me very weak and when I tried walking for exercise after made my neck and shoulders ache. One day thought I was going to collapse from weakness. Had taken it off and on, not every day, but its after effects include waking in the night from disturbed dreams with racing, pounding heart and sudden onset headache with raised blood pressure. Terrible drug. Also had fast heartbeat with just 1mg.

Terrible drug and trying to stop it has repercussions.

My heart is beating out of my chest

This med generally helps to reduce the frequency and intensity of my nightmares. I usually go up a mg or two if the nightmares return but the Prazosin does a pretty good job. It isn't a magic pill and some side effects can be frustrating but overall it's well worth it for me.

Horrible constipation, low blood pressure, low heart rate, dizziness

This medication is dangerous if you're small and your BP runs on the low end of normal like me. It made my heart rate and blood pressure go down to the point where I almost fainted. The constipation it caused, along with the effexor constipation, was unbearable. Plus it stopped working after 2 weeks. I see so many success stories about how it's helped people with their PTSD and anxiety, I'm unfortunately not one of them.

I highly recommend this med. it stops the nightmares completely. I awake refreshed ( never groggy or with a headache ) I was able to function without intrusive horrific memories .

blurred vision, nausea; I take 4 mg

I take a Pepsid with it and I'm fine. I've gone from disfunctional at least a whole day after a nightmare, to waking up just fine. The vision is an issue, but worth the benefits. I also don't need a sleeping med at night; the prazosin fixes that problem too.

It has helped my nightmares, but they are still present.

I have not had any side effects from this drug. It does not keep my blood pressure down like the Norvasc that I was taking for a while before being dianogised with pheo. Taking a dose of 6 capsules per day.

Hope it is working the way it should, I am sure they will let me kow when I go back in Although they have just added Atenolol, but I am cold all the time until I have the sweats which are one of the symptoms of the tumor.

PRAZOSIN HCL (PRAZOSIN HYDROCHLORIDE): Prazosin is used with or without other medications to treat high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Prazosin belongs to a class of medications called alpha blockers. It works by relaxing and widening blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I seem to be the only person that has nothing bad to say about micronor, it greatly increased my sex drive and I have absolutely no periods or spotting. Wish i'd found it sooner!

I was extremely upset to read Dr Arem's book and found out there is such a drug called antithyroid which I could have been treated with except that the medical profession had deemed I was too old(49-the cut off was 45) even though my primary dr thought I was much younger because before this I was in excellent health!I was taking synthroid for 14 years and began experiencing the old side effects it was supposed to treat. I gradually went off it and began taking herbal supplement and vitamin replacement. I am no longer depressed but still have achey joints.. I went to my local health food store and talked to the owner who said he began his business because his wife had the disease also. She is now on a low dose of zoloft. My husband took that for 10 years. It made him think he was better but I and our children were terrified of him. When he got cancer we went on a completely vegetarian diet and he was able to go off it and became a completely different person. Also I lost 22 pound

Dry skin, dry lips, rough/chapped lips, mood swings.

I took the OTC 2-3 times over the last year. Went in for a routine endoscopy because of family history. Told the Dr. I had been experiencing acid reflux occasionally.Lab reports came back H-Pylori infection in stomach. Was prescribed a NASTY antibiotic regimen,PYLERA, another story alltogether....and told me to double up on Prilosec during that treatment, and that I would be on it pretty much from then on...Started having these"episodes" and feelings soon after the antibiotics, which I know reaked havoc on my body too. In hindsight, I was having smaller episodes over the course of the year,, which i couldn't figure out. All my tests have been normal. Dr. wants me to get MRI, mentioned MS. Recently I was on a trip with some very good friends, and had another episode....basically a panic attack with all those symptoms.My friend told me about her husband's reaction to Prilosec.For him she said his overall personality changed. He stopped taking it, and got back to normal. It never occured to me that it could be this drug. But it's too coincidental to see so many people with the SAME EXACT symptoms as me. Today is day 4 without it. Wondering how long it will take to really feel 'normal' again.& I love how these Dr.s like to hand out prescriptions for Xanax because you come into their office, and start crying like you are out of your mind! It is such a helpless feeling!All they want to do is mask the symptoms, and don't really care about finding the problem.

extreme drowsiness, helped if followed within the half hour by a cup of coffee. ?Blurred vision, ?increased pulse with very mild exertion--hard to say since these might be side effects of the inner ear inflammation rather than the benadryl

Lower Backache, Headaches, Bloating, Nausea, fatigue, decreased libo, 3 weeks of heavy bleeding and spotting, pressure on chest, moody

It did lower my blood pressure but too low a lot of the times 85/52 more side effects then I want to deal with Im stopping this drug today I'm miserable and don't feel like myself anymore doctor will have to put me on something else I refuse to take this anymore!! I'm done!! I can't deal with this just called and made an appointment

My son was given this drug in high doses post op to keep swelling down. On the higher doses he was very agitated and he had severe mood swings and would cry at the drop of a hat. At the lower doses, as they weaned him off it, he did much better and the side effects subsided.