Potassium chloride (potassium chloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Potassium chloride (potassium chloride)

POTASSIUM CHLORIDE (POTASSIUM CHLORIDE): This medication is a mineral supplement used to treat or prevent low amounts of potassium in the blood. A normal level of potassium in the blood is important. Potassium helps your cells, kidneys, heart, muscles, and nerves work properly. Most people get enough potassium by eating a well-balanced diet. Some conditions that can lower your body's potassium level include severe prolonged diarrhea and vomiting, hormone problems such as hyperaldosteronism, or treatment with "water pills"/diuretics. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I was given 75mg of Demerol and 6mgs of Versed and awoke before the procedure was over. The pain was just obscene as was the sensation of the instrument moving within me. The person who administered the drug was standing beside me but looking away from me at the monitor and couldn't hear me screaming at her. I realize now the screaming was silent and I was the only one to hear it. When I thought I couldn't stand anymore the instrument was removed and I remember nothing else until I was in recovery so I assume I awoke near the end of the procedure but what if it had been at the beginning? This is the stuff nightmares are made from.

My moods changed drastically. I became really depressed, and I'd get so angery over petty things. I had a hard time sleeping, tossing and turning, and making frequent bathroom trips.


Could only stay on Flagyl for 2 1/2 days then after reading the comments and feeling worse and worse - stopped. It did help the Diverticulitis but gave me worse diarrhea. Drank lots of probiotic but didn't really help. Also taking Cipro. Doctor just prescribed Cleocin but reading on THAT drug its worse and gives you C-diff which people had to take flaygl for - don't want to go on that merry go round. Not taking and asking for Vancocin instead which reading has little side effects but is $$. Willing to pay at this point. Been sick for 4-5 months straight originally from flu then vertigo, sinus/ear infections and on and on. Good note - Since I had been sick for awhile with chills, fever and nausea my muscles were really tight and TMJ aggravated. Just went to Chiropractor which helped a LOT with both headaches and stomach ache.

I will never try another anti-anxiety medication again after living through the hell I went through taking this one for only a few days.

I was prescribed 50 mg of Topamax 2x daily with the goal of increasing to 100 mg, 2x daily. I have suffered from migraines since the age of 6, and was placed on Topamax as a "last resort" since my migraines had increased in frequency (daily migraines.) The Topamax DID stop the migraines. That part was wonderful. The weight loss was also nice. However, I experienced almost every possible side effect of the drug. I am a college professor and found that I could not recall words during lectures, could not respond to students' questions (they had to repeat their questions 2 or 3 times before I comprehended), and essentially felt like a zombie walking through life. I also experienced extreme fatigue, twitching in my left eye and cheek, hair loss, diarrhea, and of course memory loss. I am a big soda drinker, but found all sodas (and other liquids in general) to taste like metal. I had no interest in food, and found all foods to be tasteless. It was rather scary to be in a confused "cloud" at all times, so I decided to stop taking Topamax and treat the migraines daily instead. I have taken many, many drugs over the years to treat my migraines, and have found Relpax to be the most helpful. (I take 40-80mg. when a migraine sets in.) Although Topamax worked beautifully to control my migraines, I simply could not function in my life or profession without my full cognitive abilities. It was worth the try!

Open soars on balls that sting like crazy. Hard to walk and sleep because of it.

I had a fantastic experience with NuvaRing. Absolutely no side effects. I was previously on Yaz and had mild cramps throughout the month. When I switched to NuvaRing, I had no cramps (except during my period, but even then they were mild), less mood swings, and even noticed a decrease in my migraines. I dont think the ring is right for everyone, but I think it is worth a try. Easier to use than traditional pill.

It solved my urinating problems, but this sex thing is driving me nuts!

I was only taking a tiny 12.5 mg dose and was surprised by how it affected me. My mother takes it in higher doses with no problems, so I am not sure why I reacted that way. I just don't think it is the right drug for me. The only positive thing i did notice is that my feelings of anxiety were improved taking this medication.