Pirmella 7/7/7 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Pirmella 7/7/7 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone)

Horrible, awful cramping for days to the point of vomiting

I'm not sure what garbage they are putting in these pills but don't take them

Side Effects forpirmella 7/7/7 (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

In the initial weeks of taking this pill, I felt bloated & experienced some breast tenderness. It has now been 3 months & I am finished taking this pill!!! I have not taken BC in many years & I can't wait to use condoms again! My breasts are beyond "tender"- they feel like they did when I was pregnant with my children. I can't sleep, I've gained enough weight to make my jeans uncomfortable- I'm a size 4 but feel like a 6 right now. My fingers are so swollen that my wedding band is very uncomfortable- could hardly remove it last night.

For a few months after stopping abruptly (an idiot move in retrospect) last April, the insomina was horrid for a few months. That resolved. But what's followed has been a nightmare. The ringing in my years is so noteworthy, I have to attempt to talk over it. I never had anxiety before (a mental brick) now I feel close to panic for no reason. I'll wake up with dread. My resting pulse rate has gone from around 65 to 120 (that's upon waking!). My heart will pound, my pulse will roar through my extremities, throbbing unmercifully. I can go on, but you get the idea. It was so bad, I had all my hormone levels checked. I had a thyroidectomy in the early '60s so I watch that regularly and take dessicated natural hormone replacement. Over 9 moths later, blood levels are all normal, and clearly I am not. I have no other underlying health issues. How long will this last?! (the rhetorical cry of the damned) I'm wondering whether to start back on a very low dose (like splitting the pills to 2 or 5 mg) but I'd rather not. I'll watch this site for any signs of encouragement (OK, that may be wishful thinking-- even documented discouragement will do.) I can't find anything to replicate my experience online. Thanks.

Took 3 tablets on day one and two on the second day. A few hours after the final dose the nausea started along with stomach cramps. Felt generally sick and dizzy.

This medicine is horrible. Do not give it to your kids. Caused many symptoms with my son including speech problems and stuttering. After one week of being off this medicine his behavior was normal and his stutter was gone!! I will never use this medicine again. This is too strong for small children's brains. The worst part is no one ever warned me about these possible severe side effects. He was a completely different child on this medicine. So glad I did some research and figured out what caused his sudden change.

Helped a great deal with my back pain. Have taken in the past with no issues also

I've been on Topamax for over a year now and I've gone from having 5 migraines a week down to 1-2 a month. I went from 100 mg down to 75 to try and lower the side effects and I'm back to drinking Coke and it tastes fine now. I had been sleeping better than I have in years but this last week or so they came out with the generic and I wonder if it is causing strange dreams and paranoia. I have to say I feel different than I did previously. My dreams have been crazy since switching. I'll give it a few more days but if it doesn't get better, I won't be taking the generic anymore.

First few days - headache, sleepiness, dry mouth4th day - PERPETUAL PANIC, NAUSEA, AND DIZZINESS

I had to give up on this medication. By far the worst thing I've put into my body. Typically I'm happy, outgoing, love interacting with people and interested in hobbies. To keep this short, just imagine the soul sucked out of your body on top of feeling weak, tired, slow to process information, confused, forgetful while experience dizziness and vertigo symptoms.

I have liver probs and am wary of taking the drug for more than 1 week at a time. But it is thE ONLY pain relief I ever got from meds.

I've been on 40 mg Nexium, daily, for about 10 years. Unfortunately there is a trade off. It has escalated the onset of osteoporosis. I've tried to stop taking it, but the rebound effect is unbearable. I almost wish I had never started taking it. Nothing else works.