Pindolol (pindolol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Pindolol (pindolol)

during my first couple of months, i had ringing in my ears. very slight dizziness and a shaky feeling as the day wears on and the drug tapers off--it's not a drug that lasts long.

i like the fact it has very few side effects, and you can bear the ones it does have. it is predictable as far as learning how long it takes to kick in each day, when you will be at your strongest with it, etc. no surprises. it does wear off after 8 to 10 hours and leave a feeling of slight "inner trembling." taking an additional, low level second daily dose would probably help this.

Maybe just a little tired at first.

Took the pesky heart palpitations away!!

PINDOLOL (PINDOLOL): This medication is used alone or with other medications to treat high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks and kidney problems. Pindolol belongs to a class of medications called beta-blockers. It works by blocking the effects of certain natural substances (such as epinephrine) on the heart and blood vessels. This results in a lowering of the heart rate, blood pressure, and strain on the heart. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

I was prescribed this drug as an anti-anxiety drug after a divorce. It has completely ruined my life. I experienced drastic changes in my personality and became detached from all of my friends and family and my life in general. It made me extremely tired all the time and severely depressed. I developed physical problems mimicking IBS and MS. I also developed memory problems. What dr.'s do not tell you is that once you stop taking this medication, if the withdrawal does not kill you, the amnesiac effect of this drug will make you want to die anyway. I have no memory for the entire 10 years I was on this drug and I cannot tell you what that is like to have to live with. My physical health was ruined as well. You feel great while taking the drug because that is what it is designed to make you feel. When you stop it, you will realize that your physical health has been drastically comprimised.

Supposed osteoporosis prevention

fatigue, sometimes crashing fatigue so bad I could barely stay awake at work; low energy, costochondritis & upper back pain (at same time), acid reflux, some joint pain

HORRIBLE Memory Loss, forgetfulness, can't concentrate.

when you here about having a conversation with your spouse that you do not remember and going into the kitchen to eat and find the dishes beside your bed that that you don't remember. That was enough to make me stop the ambien asap.

Frequent Urination; Drowsiness Following Day After Dose

DO NOT GIVE THIS MEDICINE TO YOUR CHILDREN!!! My two year old was given it a couple years ago and I filed a complaint with the Doctor and the FDA. I stopped giving it to her after 2 days because she began hallucinating and becoming paranoid. She would scream a frightening paranoid scream all through the night and she would pound her head into the walls. It took us almost a 9 months for her to return to normal. This DRUG NEEDS TO BE BANNED. Do your research. In Japan, the drug is banned in children under 16 for the same reasons. The doctors here looked at me like I was making it up and claimed they've never heard of it. This stuff is HORRIBLE!!!

Worked really well at making pain bearable and greatly improved my quality of life.

24-hour migraine headaches, insomnia, chills, thrush, stomach cramps, exhaustion, soreness

no real side effects except that it didn't work for me just on it's own. It has taken almost a year dof tweaking things I am now taking a combination of Armour Thyroid and a little synthroid as well and that seems to be working well- i tried this idea based on the book What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Hypothyroidism by by Ken Blanchard and Marietta Abrams Brill you can check it out here