Pilocarpine hydrochloride (pilocarpine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Pilocarpine hydrochloride (pilocarpine hydrochloride)

I love love love this medication. No more painful sex or cottonmouth!!! I can eat food without choking on a dry ball of mush and I no longer dip my cookies in water. I still can't leave the house without a glass of water- so the car being filled with empty cups issue unfortunately, is not resolved. Anyways I am sensitive to meds.. The first month I was constantly nauseous but I stuck it out and after that no issues. Just carry snacks in your bag or whatever and eat a few bites of food with it.Good luck ❤️

This makes my mouth more moist, and reduces yeast infections due to lack of moisture. I don't want to be without this med!

Profuse sweating about 35-45 minutes after taking followed by nausea for over 6 hours. With the sweating, however, comes the saliva. I feel like Tim Allen in the Christmas with the Cranks movie when he had the botox and can't drink the water without it dripping from his mouth. I'm not drooling though!

I haven't had any side effects which amazes me because I'm very ultra sensitive to medications. I'm taking one {4 times a day.} It helps to relieve my super dry mouth especially when I'm trying to have a conversation. I've had a dry mouth for so long it's a relief to have a normal amount of saliva. I've gone so long without having any saliva that it took me awhile to get use to having any. I had a huge grin on my face the other day while I was concentrating on my computer work because I actually drooled. Thankfully I was at home and not in public! There's nothing like a woman walking around town drooling with a big smile on her face. It's a blessing to have any sort of saliva. I feel badly for the people who have experienced side effects with this particular medication. I realize that no two bodies react the same, but Salagen is working great for me. I would recommend this medication to others if they are able to tolerate it :-)

Side Effects forpilocarpine hydrochloride (pilocarpine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Good relief for seasonal allergies. Nothing else helped! Helps me a lot! No side affects that I've noticed. I only get one shot a year in April in my buttocks/hip. Please keep making this drug!!!

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As the cycles progressed - extreme fatigue (could never have imagined it happen to me, It overwhelmed me)Metallic taste in mouth (drove me insane)Finger and Toe nails affected (mainly index fingers and large toe nails)Brain ChemoMy hair fell out almost immediately with the AC chemo, but with Taxol, the last of it fell out and then my eyelashes and eyebrows all fell out and my body hair followed suit.

Some mild nausea, no vomiting. Fatigue.

I had 8oz every 10 minutes. I had diarrhea within one hour. (Not the bad kind. It was no big deal.) I finished the 4 liters and ran clear. The taste was fine. (cherry) I will use this next time.

Can not remember words, legs tremble, General tiredness. I am only taking 600mg in the evening. I am told that the dose is very low, but at first 300mg worked than stopped so it was upped to 600mg. Now this is marginally working so the Dr. wants to up the dose. The side effects are horrible.

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