Phenaphen w/ codeine no. 3 (acetaminophen; codeine phosphate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Phenaphen w/ codeine no. 3 (acetaminophen; codeine phosphate)

ive used tylenol with codeine for many things, burns,broken bones,tooth infections and more. its the most effective pain killer when im dealing with moderate to severe pain.vicodin makes me feel weird and nauseous. the only problem i'd ever experienced was that it wouldnt work long enough!

Side Effects forphenaphen w/ codeine no. 3 (acetaminophen; codeine phosphate) - User Comments


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tender breasts, but no other side effects!!! :)

So easy to tolerate; with very minimal side effects. My MD switched me to Nitrofur after my nightmare reaction to Sulfa drugs. Take the Nitrofur with food, and eat Activia or other live yogurt daily to keep your digestive tract functioning normally.

Patients should be told about the effect on mood. Knowing that the medication you are taking could be the reason you are experiencing crippling anxiety/extreme irratibility/other depressive symptoms GREATLY reduces the impact these symptoms have on the patient. I wish someone would've said "don't be alarmed if you feel a little bit more irritable than normal for the next several's common to experience some mood disturbance while on this medication but you should contact your doctor if it feels like it's influencing your mood too much." I had no idea what an impact it would have on my mental state so I assumed that my marked irritability, quickness to anger, and inability to calm myself down after becoming angry were entirely psychological and probably indicative of the need for psychiatric medication and/or therapy. It's scary to experience major mood disturbance that keeps getting worse by the day and have no idea why.

Otherwise I am satisfied and it didn't overly affect my liver. I am also taking methotrexate, but now plan to stop the salfacalyzine

My mom became extremely anorexic in just 1-2 months. It is painful to see her bones protruding through her skin. There are been no noticeable improvement in the delusions or her cognitive abilities to make it seem worth continuing it, but I am concerned what will happen if I discontinue her on it? Can someone tell me?

weight gain?? mood swings?? no libido?? depression.

Doc failed to mention that nasal steroid sprays may have identical effects as orally taken steroids like prednisone which is a drug I swore I would never take again unless I was dying, and even then death might be preferable. Extreme anxiety, panic attacks, sore throat, head pain, constant feeling of thick post nasal drip, muscle tension, trouble sleeping, shakiness. The only thing that felt somewhat better was the inflammation inside my nose, everything else felt worse. I finally realized these symptoms were getting close to being identical with the experience I had with prednisone about 7 yrs ago when I was prescribed it to stop my throat from swelling shut when I had mono. I have immediately discontinued use of nasonex.

sleep deprivation due to stress

Nausea the 2nd and 3rd day after taking it, also very tired on the 2nd and 3rd day. Fingertips and toes very cold. Weight loss.

I did not know there were side effects until I visited this website. I am one of the lucky ones. I can break it into quarters and it works like a charm. I am a 240 lb. male who at 48 years old went from the best sleeper I know, to the worst in about six months. Talked to my Dr. and he recommended Ambien, which was ok, but I would wake up after about three hours and was right back to where I started, but now it was 2:00 am and did not dare to take another. The Ambien CR was the trick and it changed my life back to normal.