Permax (pergolide mesylate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Permax (pergolide mesylate)

Nausea for three months while titrating, some hair loss, weight gain and fatigue

sleep attacks while driving is my main issue.

Permax does help my restless leg, I am glad I found a Doctorthat knows how to treat this problem.

Side Effects forpermax (pergolide mesylate) - User Comments


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Progressively worse sleeplessness; just a tad light-headed this morning (could be the sleeplessness talking); esophageal gas (chest pains, alleviated by much belching); more emotional than usual (stress could be cause); mild menstrual-like cramps (could be just that, today was day 1 of that joy); have finished day 5, hoping this is it for possible side symptoms (although scalp itches a tiny bit in sympathy for those who have experienced that side)

agitation,headache,insomnia,racing heart,anxiety,dry mouth,intense energy in spurts,major loss of appetite,took away desire for sex completely

I find it very satisfactory and have even been able to half the doses as long as I drink a glass of soya every day.

It helped me greatly with manic episodes stabilized mood helped my depression greatly also give it a try worked great!

I don't see that others have included body odor as a side effect, but this has certainly been the case for me. I'm showering twice a day!

We have stopped her Zyrtec now and are hoping that her anxiety will begin to get better. It breaks my heart to see my baby like she is. Doctors should never prescribe this to children. They do not know how to cope with these side effects.

I just would never tell anyone who wanted more children to talk this birth control

When first taking citalopram (celexa), I had to drink a lot of extra fluids because I felt "dried out". That stabilized after a few weeks.

Sure... It prevents pregnancy. Sure it prevents periods. SUre its great. Well guess what... U R WRONG! I got put on this when I was 14 yrs. old. I am now 19 and trying to put myself back together. been off of it for a whole year.. No periods!! Guess what?? You cant have babies with no periods!!! I havent been able to lose the weight, I still have bad mood swings, and on top of everything... I might have end organ failure (uterus doesnt work) due to the depo. Dont do it!!! It might seem worth it now, but think of the long run!!!

Extreme anxiety, depression, acid reflux, burning feeling in chest, mucus in stool, heart palpitations, no appetite, weird taste in mouth.