Periostat (doxycycline hyclate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Periostat (doxycycline hyclate)

PERIOSTAT (DOXYCYCLINE HYCLATE): This medication is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections, including those that cause acne. This medication is also used to prevent malaria. This medication is known as a tetracycline antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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During the 3 years that I took zocor I had had soft stools that caused incomplete bowel movements and anal leakage. As soon as I stopped taking it, my stools hardened and the anal leakage stopped. While I was takiong Zocor, my cholestrol was much lower but the quality of my life was poor.

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I really liked the benefits of lexapro, but the side effects were not livable for me. I had horrible headaches, which is not a common thing for me. About 5days into it, I got like a sinus infection/cold...i don't know but i was sick. Told my doctor and he switched me to wellbutrin. He said lexapro does cause increased risk of upper respiratory infection. My headaches were so bad I wanted to stick something up my nose to scratch my brain. Not that I would literally do that, but it sounded like something that would help at the time. Other than that I was starting to do much better in school, but couldn't handle it.

tingling in fingers, face, and inside my body, yes i know it sounds weird. ringing in my ear. lack of taste. pain in my eye. Visualy disturbances including, seeing things in slow motion, or a trail behind it specifically in lightly lit rooms. My brain would copy objects, for example If i looked in a fun mirror that distorts things a certain way... when i looked away i would see everything else like the mirror was reflecting for just a few seconds, but could repeat this with clear objects w/ texture, and mirrors. I also saw a blue tracer behind any object in lightly lit rooms. sleepy. being depressed, and moody. Not being able to taste food, and lost alot of weight. Also trouble thinking and concentrating. Felt like a zombie. A ton of hair loss. they thought some of the visual things were caused by my very complicated migraine, but i am very sensitive with meds and particularly to this one. it did more harm than good. I still have tracers and trails behind things, but it's not as intens

I will never take this medication again, i feel worse now then i did when i had the UTI. I do not recommend this pill to anyone, unless you like to be nausea's constintly.

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tiredness- all I wanted was to sleep all day. Sickness- curbed my depression enough that I quit taking it after three days and oh and voices- the first night- I heard about four comments out of nowhere.

nose bleeds, trouble sleeping, heavy breathing, stomach aches, very bad, vivid dreams, aches and pains throughout body, and more. :-(

Headache the next day. Sore legs and calves. Itchy, red eyes, stinging. Restless sleep and pretty groggy the next morning.

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